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Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Games on Posets
Craig Wilson
McMaster University
June 22, 2008
Based on the paper “On the Complexity of Computing Winning Strategies for Finite Poset Games” by Michael
Soltys and Craig Wilson
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
1 Background Information
2 Translating Chomp to Geography
3 Chomp and Proof Complexity
4 Concluding Remarks
5 References
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Context of Poset Games
Poset Games
The Game of Chomp
Context of Poset Games
Simple to describe
Computing winning strategies appears intractable in all but
simplest cases
Proof of 1st player having a winning strategy does not
immediately yield a feasible algorithm for computing the
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Context of Poset Games
Poset Games
The Game of Chomp
Partially Ordered Sets (Posets)
Set U together with ordering relation
satisfies following properties:
Anti-Symmetry: If a b, then b a
Transitivity: If a b and b c, then a c
If a b and b a, then a||b (incomparable)
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Context of Poset Games
Poset Games
The Game of Chomp
(Finite) Poset Games [1]
Games between 2 players
From finite Poset (U, ), Poset Game (A, ) is played as
1 Initialize A = U
2 Select an x ∈ A, remove all y ∈ A such that x y
3 Game ends when A = ∅, player unable to select an element
A round is a sequence of two consecutive moves (first player,
then second)
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Context of Poset Games
Poset Games
The Game of Chomp
Special case of poset game.
Ordering relation can be thought of as a chocolate bar.
Don’t eat the poisoned square!
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Context of Poset Games
Poset Games
The Game of Chomp
More Formally. . .
Set of pairs (“cells”) {(i, j) |1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ m}
Select pair (i0, j0)
Remove all (i, j) such that i ≥ i0 and j ≥ j0
Player left with only (1, 1) loses
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Context of Poset Games
Poset Games
The Game of Chomp
Chomp Configurations
Represent as binary strings X:
Figure: Chomp configuration with X = 00101101
1s delimit rows, 0s indicate difference in rows lengths.
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1)
Gadget Construction
Translating Chomp to Geography
Simple, direct polynomial-time translation from Poset Games
to Geography, which shows Poset Games ∈ PSPACE
Translation from restricted form of Geography to Chomp also
Limitations of poset games revealed - not PSPACE-complete?
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1)
Gadget Construction
GG = { G, s | Player 1 has a winning strategy for the Generalized
Geography game played on graph G starting at node s}
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1)
Gadget Construction
Graph Construction: Part 1
x yz
Figure: Base Construction of a poset game in Geography
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1)
Gadget Construction
Once a node x ∈ G has been visited, must not be able to visit
any y such that x y
Need system of checks and balances
x x1x2
incoming moves
incoming challenges
outgoing moves
Figure: 5-node gadget
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1)
Gadget Construction
Gadget Construction
x x1x2
incoming moves
incoming challenges
outgoing moves
Figure: Construction of the 5-node gadget
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1)
Gadget Construction
Preventing Illegal Moves
Additional nodes prevent players from making illegal moves.
If player moves to node that “shouldn’t exist”, they will lose.
Challenges to legal moves also result in a loss.
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1)
Gadget Construction
Example: Challenging an Illegal Move
x x1x2
incoming moves
incoming challenges
outgoing moves
Figure: Challenging an illegal move
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Second proof of Chomp ∈ PSPACE
Use theorems of W1
1 to show the existence of a winning
strategy ∈ PSPACE
Introduce segments X[i] of a configuration string X:
X =
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Proof Complexity
Main idea:
ΓC ∀x∃yα(x, y)
∃f ∈ C such that α(x, f (x))
Different bounded arithmetic theories capture different classes
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Variables of a Different “Sort”
Three types of variables called sorts:
1 Natural numbers (x, y, z, . . . )
2 Strings (X, Y , Z, . . . )
3 Sets of strings (X, Y, Z, . . . )
Concerned with formulas from class ΣB
1 :
(∃X) (∀Y ) (∃Z) . . . (∀y) A (X, Y , Z, . . . , y)
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Description of W1
1 [3]
Third-sorted theory for reasoning in PSPACE
Symbols taken from set L3
A = {0, 1, +, ×, ||2, ∈2, ∈3, ≤, =}
Axioms [3]:
B1. x + 1 = 0 B7. (x ≤ y ∧ y ≤ x) → x = y
B2. (x + 1 = y + 1) → x = y B8. x ≤ x + y
B3. x + 0 = x B9. 0 ≤ x
B4. x + (y + 1) = (x + y) + 1 B10. x ≤ y ∨ y ≤ x
B5. x × 0 = 0 B11. x ≤ y ↔ x < y + 1
B6. x × (y + 1) = (x × y) + x B12. x = 0 → ∃y ≤ x(y + 1 = x)
L1. X(y) → y < |X| L2. y + 1 = |X| → X(y)
SE. [|X| = |Y | ∧ ∀i < |X|(X(i) ↔ Y (i))] → X = Y
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Achieving the Goal - Step 1
Want to give formula Φ(X, n, m) which decides whether X is
valid Chomp game of size n × m
X is string of length (n × m)(n + m), with (n × m) segments
Φ is conjunction of three formulas: φinit, φfinal, and φmove
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Formulas φinit and φfinal
φinit asserts X[1] to be the initial configuration of the game:
, n, m) = ∀i ≤ (n + m)((i > m) → X[1]
(i) = 1)
φfinal asserts X[n×m] to be the final configuration of the game:
, n, m) = ∀i ≤ (n + m)((i > n) → X[n×m]
(i) = 0)
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
The φyields formula
φyields asserts that each segment of X can be obtained from
one legal move on the previous one:
φmove(X, n, m) = ∀i < (n × m)(X[i]
“yields” X[i+1]
Defining “yields” is where the fun begins!
Attempt to discern what square(s) could have been played
between X[i] and X[i+1]
Ensure differences between configs correspond to played
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Complete Yields Formula
(∃j ≤ NumOnes)(∃k ≤ NumZeros)[F0(1, k, X) < F1(1, j, X)
∧(∃p < |X[i]
|)(∃q ≤ |X[i]
|)(p = F0(1, k − 1, X[i]
) + 1 ∧ q = F1(p, j, X[i]
∧(∀r ≤ |X|)[(r < p ∨ r > q → X[i+1]
(r) = X[i]
∧(r < p + j → X[i+1]
(r) = 1)
∧(r ≥ p + j → X[i+1]
(r) = 0)]]
NumOnes = |X[i]
| − numones(1, X[i]
NumZeroes = numones(1, X[i]
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Achieving the Goal, Step 2
Strategy function S from configurations to configurations
Formula for either player having winning strategy:
∀C∃S [WinP1 (S, C) ∨ WinP2 (S, C)]
where WinP1 (S, C) is a ΣB
1 formula
Manipulate this to get formula for first player having a
winning strategy:
(C = 0m
) → ∃S [WinP1 (S, C)]
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
The Goal
Bounded Arithmetic
Description of W1
Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m)
Existence of Winning Strategy
Applying the Witnessing Theorem
1 (C = 0m
) → ∃S [WinP1 (S, C)]
we have that the function for computing the winning strategy is in
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
Concluding Remarks
Is the problem of computing winning strategies for Poset Games
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
Background Information
Translating Chomp to Geography
Chomp and Proof Complexity
Concluding Remarks
References I
Steven Byrnes.
Poset Game Periodicity.
Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory,
3(G03), November 2003.
David Gale.
A Curious Nim-Type Game.
The American Mathematical Monthly, 81(8):876–879,
October 1974.
Alan Skelley.
A Third-Order Bounded Arithmetic Theory for PSPACE.
In CSL, pages 340–354, 2004.
Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets

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Games on Posets - CiE 2008

  • 1. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Games on Posets Craig Wilson McMaster University June 22, 2008 Based on the paper “On the Complexity of Computing Winning Strategies for Finite Poset Games” by Michael Soltys and Craig Wilson Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 2. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Outline 1 Background Information 2 Translating Chomp to Geography 3 Chomp and Proof Complexity 4 Concluding Remarks 5 References Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 3. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Context of Poset Games Posets Poset Games The Game of Chomp Context of Poset Games Simple to describe Computing winning strategies appears intractable in all but simplest cases Proof of 1st player having a winning strategy does not immediately yield a feasible algorithm for computing the strategy Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 4. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Context of Poset Games Posets Poset Games The Game of Chomp Partially Ordered Sets (Posets) Set U together with ordering relation satisfies following properties: Anti-Symmetry: If a b, then b a Transitivity: If a b and b c, then a c If a b and b a, then a||b (incomparable) Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 5. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Context of Poset Games Posets Poset Games The Game of Chomp (Finite) Poset Games [1] Games between 2 players From finite Poset (U, ), Poset Game (A, ) is played as follows: 1 Initialize A = U 2 Select an x ∈ A, remove all y ∈ A such that x y 3 Game ends when A = ∅, player unable to select an element loses A round is a sequence of two consecutive moves (first player, then second) Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 6. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Context of Poset Games Posets Poset Games The Game of Chomp Chomp[2] x Special case of poset game. Ordering relation can be thought of as a chocolate bar. Don’t eat the poisoned square! Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 7. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Context of Poset Games Posets Poset Games The Game of Chomp More Formally. . . Set of pairs (“cells”) {(i, j) |1 ≤ i ≤ n, 1 ≤ j ≤ m} Select pair (i0, j0) Remove all (i, j) such that i ≥ i0 and j ≥ j0 Player left with only (1, 1) loses Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 8. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Context of Poset Games Posets Poset Games The Game of Chomp Chomp Configurations Represent as binary strings X: x Figure: Chomp configuration with X = 00101101 1s delimit rows, 0s indicate difference in rows lengths. Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 9. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1) Geography Gadget Construction Challenges Translating Chomp to Geography Simple, direct polynomial-time translation from Poset Games to Geography, which shows Poset Games ∈ PSPACE Translation from restricted form of Geography to Chomp also attempted Limitations of poset games revealed - not PSPACE-complete? Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 10. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1) Geography Gadget Construction Challenges Mathematically... GeneralizedGeography(GG): GG = { G, s | Player 1 has a winning strategy for the Generalized Geography game played on graph G starting at node s} Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 11. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1) Geography Gadget Construction Challenges Graph Construction: Part 1 x yz Figure: Base Construction of a poset game in Geography Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 12. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1) Geography Gadget Construction Challenges Complications... Once a node x ∈ G has been visited, must not be able to visit any y such that x y Need system of checks and balances x x1x2 y x4 x3z incoming moves incoming challenges outgoing moves Figure: 5-node gadget Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 13. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1) Geography Gadget Construction Challenges Gadget Construction x x1x2 y x4 x3z incoming moves incoming challenges outgoing moves Figure: Construction of the 5-node gadget Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 14. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1) Geography Gadget Construction Challenges Preventing Illegal Moves Additional nodes prevent players from making illegal moves. If player moves to node that “shouldn’t exist”, they will lose. Challenges to legal moves also result in a loss. Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 15. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Chomp ∈ PSPACE (Part 1) Geography Gadget Construction Challenges Example: Challenging an Illegal Move x x1x2 y x4 x3z incoming moves incoming challenges outgoing moves Figure: Challenging an illegal move Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 16. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Chomp and Proof Complexity Second proof of Chomp ∈ PSPACE Use theorems of W1 1 to show the existence of a winning strategy ∈ PSPACE Introduce segments X[i] of a configuration string X: X = X[1] 01 X[2] 10 X[3] 11 X[4] 00 Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 17. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Proof Complexity Main idea: ΓC ∀x∃yα(x, y) ∃f ∈ C such that α(x, f (x)) Different bounded arithmetic theories capture different classes Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 18. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Variables of a Different “Sort” Three types of variables called sorts: 1 Natural numbers (x, y, z, . . . ) 2 Strings (X, Y , Z, . . . ) 3 Sets of strings (X, Y, Z, . . . ) Concerned with formulas from class ΣB 1 : (∃X) (∀Y ) (∃Z) . . . (∀y) A (X, Y , Z, . . . , y) Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 19. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Description of W1 1 [3] Third-sorted theory for reasoning in PSPACE Symbols taken from set L3 A = {0, 1, +, ×, ||2, ∈2, ∈3, ≤, =} Axioms [3]: B1. x + 1 = 0 B7. (x ≤ y ∧ y ≤ x) → x = y B2. (x + 1 = y + 1) → x = y B8. x ≤ x + y B3. x + 0 = x B9. 0 ≤ x B4. x + (y + 1) = (x + y) + 1 B10. x ≤ y ∨ y ≤ x B5. x × 0 = 0 B11. x ≤ y ↔ x < y + 1 B6. x × (y + 1) = (x × y) + x B12. x = 0 → ∃y ≤ x(y + 1 = x) L1. X(y) → y < |X| L2. y + 1 = |X| → X(y) SE. [|X| = |Y | ∧ ∀i < |X|(X(i) ↔ Y (i))] → X = Y Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 20. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Achieving the Goal - Step 1 Want to give formula Φ(X, n, m) which decides whether X is valid Chomp game of size n × m X is string of length (n × m)(n + m), with (n × m) segments Φ is conjunction of three formulas: φinit, φfinal, and φmove Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 21. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Formulas φinit and φfinal φinit asserts X[1] to be the initial configuration of the game: φinit(X[1] , n, m) = ∀i ≤ (n + m)((i > m) → X[1] (i) = 1) φfinal asserts X[n×m] to be the final configuration of the game: φfinal(X[n×m] , n, m) = ∀i ≤ (n + m)((i > n) → X[n×m] (i) = 0) Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 22. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy The φyields formula φyields asserts that each segment of X can be obtained from one legal move on the previous one: φmove(X, n, m) = ∀i < (n × m)(X[i] “yields” X[i+1] ) Defining “yields” is where the fun begins! Attempt to discern what square(s) could have been played between X[i] and X[i+1] Ensure differences between configs correspond to played square Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 23. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Complete Yields Formula (∃j ≤ NumOnes)(∃k ≤ NumZeros)[F0(1, k, X) < F1(1, j, X) ∧(∃p < |X[i] |)(∃q ≤ |X[i] |)(p = F0(1, k − 1, X[i] ) + 1 ∧ q = F1(p, j, X[i] )) ∧(∀r ≤ |X|)[(r < p ∨ r > q → X[i+1] (r) = X[i] (r)) ∧(r < p + j → X[i+1] (r) = 1) ∧(r ≥ p + j → X[i+1] (r) = 0)]] Where NumOnes = |X[i] | − numones(1, X[i] ) NumZeroes = numones(1, X[i] ) Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 24. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Achieving the Goal, Step 2 Strategy function S from configurations to configurations Formula for either player having winning strategy: ∀C∃S [WinP1 (S, C) ∨ WinP2 (S, C)] where WinP1 (S, C) is a ΣB 1 formula Manipulate this to get formula for first player having a winning strategy: (C = 0m 1n ) → ∃S [WinP1 (S, C)] Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 25. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References The Goal Bounded Arithmetic Description of W1 1 Construction of Formula Φ(X, n, m) Existence of Winning Strategy Applying the Witnessing Theorem With W1 1 (C = 0m 1n ) → ∃S [WinP1 (S, C)] we have that the function for computing the winning strategy is in PSPACE. Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 26. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References Concluding Remarks Is the problem of computing winning strategies for Poset Games PSPACE-complete? Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets
  • 27. Background Information Translating Chomp to Geography Chomp and Proof Complexity Concluding Remarks References References I Steven Byrnes. Poset Game Periodicity. Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory, 3(G03), November 2003. David Gale. A Curious Nim-Type Game. The American Mathematical Monthly, 81(8):876–879, October 1974. Alan Skelley. A Third-Order Bounded Arithmetic Theory for PSPACE. In CSL, pages 340–354, 2004. Craig Wilson McMaster University Games on Posets