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Content Marketing in THE UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends 
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 Welcome................................................................................................................................................. 3 
 Usage & Overall Effectiveness.............................................................................................................. 4 
 Strategy & Organization........................................................................................................................ 6 
 Goals & Metrics..................................................................................................................................... 10 
 Content Creation & Distribution........................................................................................................ 13 
 Budgets & Spending............................................................................................................................ 22 
 Challenges & Initiatives...................................................................................................................... 24 
 Comparison Chart: Documented vs. Verbal-Only Content Marketing Strategy.......................... 29 
 Demographics...................................................................................................................................... 30 
 About..................................................................................................................................................... 31 
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Hello Content Marketers, 
Welcome to the third annual Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, 
and Trends. This year, we look at how UK for-profit marketers (both B2B and B2C) 
approach content marketing as compared with last year. 
One of the most prominent findings this year is that UK marketers have become 
much more focused on their goals for content marketing—and those goals have 
changed. The percentage of marketers who say lead nurturing is a goal, for example, 
has nearly tripled. Engagement has surpassed brand awareness as the most often 
cited goal. Even so, creating engaging content is the top challenge for UK marketers; 
yet, many are working on initiatives to improve in that regard. 
As was the case last year, UK marketers feel more effective at content marketing when 
compared with many North American and Australian marketers, which are groups 
that Content Marketing Institute (CMI) also reports on. As CMI found with all groups, 
having a documented content marketing strategy is an important key to success. 
Best wishes on your continued content marketing journey. 
Yours in content, 
Joe & Chris 
Joe Pulizzi 
Content Marketing Institute 
Chris Combemale 
Executive Director 
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USAGE & OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS Does your organization 
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use content marketing? 
85% say yes 
Last year, 88% of UK respondents said they 
use content marketing. Back then, we defined 
content marketing as the “creation and 
distribution of educational and/or compelling 
content in multiple media formats to attract and/ 
or retain customers.” 
This year, we defined content marketing as 
“a strategic marketing approach focused on 
creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and 
consistent content to attract and retain a clearly 
defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive 
profitable customer action.” 
The new definition—crafted by Content 
Marketing Institute in early 2014—better reflects 
how content marketing has grown from the mere 
“creation and distribution” of content to a formal 
business discipline. 
Percentage of UK Respondents 
Using Content Marketing 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Overall, how effective is 
your organization at 
content marketing? 
42% say they are effective 
Note: For purposes of our annual survey, 
we define effectiveness as “accomplishing 
your overall objectives.” Those who rate their 
organizations a 4 or 5 (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 
5 being “Very Effective” and 1 being “Not at all 
Effective”) are the “most effective” or “best-in-class.” 
The 1s and 2s are considered the “least 
effective,” while the 3s are neutral. 
Last year, 48% of UK marketers said they 
were effective. Having a documented content 
marketing strategy helps in this regard: 71% of 
those who possess one say they are effective. 
How UK Marketers Rate the 
Effectiveness of Their Organization’s 
Use of Content Marketing 
Very Effective 6% 
Not At All Effective 3% 
0 10 20 30 40 50 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Does your organization 
have a content marketing 
36% say they have a 
documented strategy 
Percentage of UK Marketers 
Who Have a Content Marketing Strategy 
Last year, we asked marketers for the first time 
Yes, and it is documented 36% 
whether or not they had a documented content 
marketing strategy. The high percentage who 
Yes, but it is not documented 51% 
said no (49%) left us wondering whether some 
had a strategy but simply had not taken the 
No 11% 
time to document it. So this year we worded 
the question differently and discovered that 
51% have a verbal-only strategy. The 36% 
who have documented their strategy are 
more effective in nearly all aspects of content 
marketing when compared with those who 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK 
have not. Unsure 2% 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
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Very closely 44% 
Somewhat 53% 
We rarely use it 3% 
Unsure 0% 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 
How closely does your 
content marketing strategy 
guide your organization’s 
content marketing efforts? 
44% say very closely 
Having a strategy is one thing—following 
it is another. The more effective the UK 
marketer, the more likely it is that his or 
her organization follows the strategy very 
closely (65% of the most effective follow their 
strategy very closely). 
Percentage of UK Marketers 
Who Say Strategy Guides Efforts 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Yes, and it functions independently as its own unit 18% 
Yes, and it works horizontally across the organization silos 27% 
No, but planning to have one 23% 
No, and no plans to have one that I know of 31% 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 
Does your organization 
have a dedicated content 
marketing group? 
45% say yes 
This is a new question on our annual survey. 
The most effective marketers are more likely to 
have a dedicated group (66%) when compared 
with the total sample (45%). The same is true 
for those who have a documented content 
marketing strategy (68%). 
Percentage of UK Marketers Who 
Have a Dedicated Content Marketing Group 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Which area in your 
organization is accountable 
for content marketing? 
It often depends on 
company size 
In small UK companies (10-99 employees), 
content marketers are more likely to report 
to the owner/C-level. In enterprise companies 
(1,000+ employees), content marketing is 
more likely to be part of the demand-gen 
marketing group. 
Areas Accountable for 
UK Content Marketing 
Demand Gen Marketing 
Product Marketing 
Social Team/Social CRM 
PR/Corporate Communications 
Information Technology 
No One, Unsure, or No Answer 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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How important is each 
of the following content 
marketing goals to your 
More focus on engagement, 
leads, and sales this year 
Note: Percentages shown represent marketers who 
rated each goal a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 
5 = “Very Important” and 1 = “Not at all Important.” 
UK marketers cited each of these goals more 
frequently than they did last year. Some of the 
biggest increases were for sales (+29%), lead 
generation (+21%), and engagement (+17%). 
The greatest increase, however, was for lead 
nurturing. Last year, 30% cited it as a goal, 
compared with 85% this year. 
Customer evangelism was a new option on the 
survey this year. 
Organizational Goals for 
UK Content Marketing 
Lead Nurturing 
Lead Generation 
Brand Awareness 
Customer Retention/Loyalty 
Customer Evangelism 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Which metrics does your 
organization use to assess 
content marketing success? 
61% say website traffic 
Note: Fewer than 30% cited the following 
metrics: Benchmark Lift of Company Awareness 
(26%), Customer Renewal Rates (21%), 
Benchmark Lift of Product/Service Awareness 
(19%), and Cost Savings (8%). 
Regardless of how effective they are at content 
marketing, UK marketers cite website traffic 
as the metric they use most often to gauge 
content marketing success. Website traffic 
topped this list last year as well. 
Metrics for UK 
Content Marketing Success 
Website Traffic 
Higher Conversion Rates 
Sales Lead Quality 
SEO Ranking 
Time Spent on Website 
Inbound Links 
Subscriber Growth 
Qualitative Feedback from Customers 
Sales Lead Quantity 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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How successful is your 
organization at tracking 
the ROI of its content 
marketing program? 
28% say they are successful 
As these percentages show, tracking ROI can 
be a challenge. Having a documented content 
marketing strategy helps, though, as 46% of those 
who possess one are successful in this area, 
compared with the 28% average for the total 
How UK Marketers Rate 
Their Organization’s Success 
at Tracking ROI 
Very Successful 7% 
Not At All Successful 5% 
We Do Not Track 11% 
0 10 20 30 40 50 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Compared with one year 
ago, how much content is 
your organization creating? 
78% are creating more 
Last year, 76% said they were creating more 
Change in UK Content Creation 
(Over Last 12 Months) 
Significantly More 
Same Amount 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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How many different 
audiences does your 
organization target 
with separate content 
marketing strategies? 
The average number is 4 
In general, the larger the UK organization, 
the more audiences it targets. Enterprise 
companies (1,000+ employees) target an 
average of 5. 
Number of Audiences 
that UK Marketers Target 
0 10 20 30 40 50 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Which content marketing 
tactics does your 
organization use? 
eNewsletters had the 
biggest increase this year 
Average Number Used: 12 
Note: Fewer than 50% said they use the following 
tactics: Branded Content Tools (46%), Microsites (46%), 
Research Reports (45%), eBooks (42%), Webinars (41%), 
Print Magazines (36%), Books (34%), Digital Magazines 
(33%), Mobile Apps (32%), Print Newsletters (25%), Games/ 
Gamification (23%), Virtual Conferences (23%), and 
Podcasts (22%). 
UK marketers, in total, use an average of 12 content 
marketing tactics, compared with 14 last year. The most 
effective and those who have a documented content 
marketing strategy use an average of 14. 
The percentages shown on the chart are similar to last 
year’s. The biggest increase was with eNewsletters (82% 
last year vs. 88% this year). The biggest decrease is with 
online presentations (57% last year vs. 50% this year). 
Illlustrations/photos was a new option on the survey this year. 
UK Content Marketing Tactic Usage 
Social Media Content – other than blogs 
Articles on Your Website 
Case Studies 
In-person Events 
Online Presentations 
White Papers 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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How effective are the 
following tactics that 
you use? 
72% say in-person events 
are effective 
These are the 10 tactics that UK marketers find 
most effective. Once again this year, marketers 
said in-person events are the most effective 
UK marketers rated only one of these tactics 
as more effective than they did last year: blogs 
(67% vs. 63% last year). 
Confidence in the other tactics decreased 
Infographics is new to the top 10 effective list 
this year. 
Effectiveness Ratings 
for UK Tactics 
In-person Events 
Social Media Content – other than blogs 
Case Studies 
Articles on Your Website 
White Papers 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Which social media 
platforms does your 
organization use to 
distribute content? 
96% use LinkedIn 
Average Number Used: 6 
Note: Fewer than 25% said they use the following 
platforms: Instagram (24%), Vimeo (24%), 
StumbleUpon (18%), Flickr (17%), Vine (15%), 
Foursquare (11%), Tumblr (11%), and SnapChat (6%). 
As with last year, UK marketers use an average 
of 6 social media platforms. 
Compared with last year, the biggest increases 
in usage are LinkedIn (96% vs. 85%) and 
Google+ (68% vs. 55%). Usage of Twitter 
has remained the same. Usage of the other 
platforms has increased or decreased slightly. 
UK Content Marketing 
Social Media Platform Usage 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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How effective are the 
social media platforms 
that you use? 
75% say Twitter is effective 
These are the 7 social media platforms that UK 
marketers find most effective. 
Twitter has replaced LinkedIn as the social 
media platform that UK marketers say is most 
effective. Last year, 61% said Twitter was 
effective (compared with 75% this year) and 
66% said LinkedIn was effective (compared 
with 61% this year). 
The biggest decrease in confidence was with 
Google+ (29% last year vs. 19% this year). 
Effectiveness ratings for the other social media 
platforms shown here are similar to last year. 
Effectiveness Ratings for 
UK Social Media Platforms 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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How often does your 
organization publish new 
content that supports 
its content marketing 
42% say daily or multiple 
times per week 
The most effective UK marketers publish 
new content even more frequently than the 
percentages shown here (63% of the most 
effective UK marketers publish new content 
daily or multiple times per week). 
How Often UK Marketers 
Publish New Content 
Multiple Times per Week 
Multiple Times per Month 
Less than Once per Month 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Which paid advertising 
methods do you use to 
Search engine marketing (SEM) 
and print or other offline 
promotion are cited most often 
Average Number Used: 3 
This was a new question on the survey this 
year. The most effective UK marketers use 
almost all of these paid methods more 
frequently when compared with the total 
sample. The exceptions are SEM and print or 
other offline promotion, which they all use at 
about the same rate. 
In addition, there is a correlation between 
company size and the number of paid methods 
used. For example, small companies (10-99 
employees) use an average of 2 paid methods, 
whereas enterprise companies (1,000+ 
employees) use an average of 5. 
UK Paid Advertising Usage 
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 
Print or Other Offline Promotion 
Social Ads (e.g., LinkedIn ads) 
Traditional Online Banner Ads 
Promoted Posts (e.g., promoted Tweets) 
Native Advertising 
Content Discovery Tools 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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How effective are the 
paid advertising methods 
that you use to distribute 
SEM, social ads, and 
promoted posts are considered 
the most effective 
Note: Percentages shown represent marketers who 
rated each method a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 
5 = “Very Effective” and 1 = “Not at all Effective.” 
Search engine marketing (SEM) is not only the 
paid method that UK marketers use most often to 
promote content, it’s also one of the methods they 
say is most effective. 
Effectiveness Ratings for 
UK Paid Advertising Methods 
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 
Social Ads (e.g., LinkedIn ads) 
Promoted Posts (e.g., promoted Tweets) 
Content Discovery Tools 
Print or Other Offline Promotion 
Traditional Online Banner Ads 
Native Advertising 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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Approximately what 
percentage of your 
organization’s total 
marketing budget (not 
including staff) is spent 
on content marketing? 
The average is 26% 
Last year, UK marketers spent an average of 
31% of their budget on content marketing. 
The most effective UK marketers and those 
who have a documented content marketing 
strategy spend more (33% and 40% 
respectively) when compared with the 
total sample. 
Percentage of Total Marketing Budget 
Spent on UK Content Marketing 
0 10 20 30 40 50 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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How do you expect your 
organization’s content 
marketing budget to 
change in the next 12 
64% say they will increase 
Last year, 56% of UK marketers said they 
would increase spending vs. 64% this year. 
UK Content Marketing Spending 
(Over Next 12 Months) 
Significantly Increase 13% 
Remain the Same 
Decrease 1% 
Unsure 8% 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
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With regard to content 
marketing, how challenged 
are you with each of the 
51% say producing engaging 
content is a challenge 
UK marketers are more challenged this year than 
last in every area shown here except for lack of buy-in 
(22% last year). Technology-related challenges 
is new to the list this year, and producing content 
consistently has replaced producing enough content. 
Finding trained content marketing professionals (14% 
last year vs. 27% this year) and measuring content 
effectiveness (28% last year vs. 40% this year) 
increased the most. 
Challenges that UK Marketers Face 
Producing Engaging Content 
Producing Content Consistently 
Lack of Budget 
Measuring Content Effectiveness 
Producing a Variety of Content 
Technology-related Challenges 
Gaps in Knowledge and Skills of Internal Team 
Finding Trained Content Marketing Professionals 
Lack of Integration Across Marketing 
Lack of Buy-in/Vision from Higher-Ups 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
Which content marketing initiatives are you working on? 
A high percentage are focused on creating visual content and creating more engaging content. 
New this year, we presented marketers with a list of 28 initiatives. We asked them to select one of three options for each: 
working on now, plan to begin working on within 12 months, and not a priority. 
UK marketers are working on an average of 14 initiatives, and plan to begin working on 8 more, on average, over the next 
12 months. 
The highest percentages of UK marketers are presently working on: 
 Creating visual content: 70% 
 Creating more engaging/higher-quality content: 69% 
 Better converting visitors on your website: 65% 
 Organizing content on your website: 65% 
 Better understanding of your audience: 63% 
As for which they plan to begin working on within 12 months, the highest percentages selected: 
 Better mobile strategy: 39% 
 Leveraging user- or fan-based generated content: 35% 
 Measuring content marketing ROI: 35% 
 Content personalization: 34% 
 Creating a channel plan for social media: 33% 
The initiatives appearing on the following pages are the 10 that received the highest combined percentages of “working on 
now” and “plan to begin working on within 12 months.” 
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Creating More 
Engaging/Higher-Quality Content 
Visual Content 
Creating a 
Greater Variety of Content 
6% 8% 
69% 31% 60% 19% 70% 
Now Within 12 Months Not a Priority No Answer 
3% 3% 3% 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK 
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Better Converting 
Visitors on Website 
Better Understanding 
of Audience 
10% 10% 
65% 25% 63% 28% 60% 
Now Within 12 Months Not a Priority No Answer 
3% 2% 2% 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK 
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Better Understanding of What 
Content is Effective—and What Isn’t 
Content Marketing ROI 
Organizing Content 
on Website 
11% 14% 
60% 22% 65% 48% 
Now Within 12 Months 
Not a Priority No Answer 
Tying Content to Business Goals 
2% 3% 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK 
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Documented vs. Verbal-Only 
Content Marketing Strategy Verbal 
 Considers organization to be effective at content marketing.............................................................................................. 71%................... 33% 
 Content marketing strategy very closely guides efforts....................................................................................................... 78%................... 21% 
 Has a dedicated content marketing group........................................................................................................................... 68%................... 38% 
 Is successful at tracking ROI.................................................................................................................................................. 51%................... 18% 
 Average number of tactics used.............................................................................................................................................. 14.......................10 
 Average number of social media platforms used.................................................................................................................... 7.........................5 
 Publishes new content daily or multiple times per week .................................................................................................... 57%................... 38% 
 Percentage of total budget allocated to content marketing................................................................................................ 40%................... 20% 
 Challenged with producing engaging content..................................................................................................................... 29%................... 62% 
 Challenged with lack of budget............................................................................................................................................. 22%................... 57% 
 Average number of initiatives working on now...................................................................................................................... 17.......................12 
 Average number of initiatives planning to begin working on within 12 months................................................................... 7.........................9 
Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK 
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Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends is produced by Content Marketing Institute in partnership with the DMA UK and 
sponsored by Axonn Media. 
The fifth annual content marketing survey, from which the results of this third annual UK report were generated, was mailed electronically to a sample 
of marketers using lists from Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs, Brightcove, Blackbaud, the Direct Marketing Association UK (DMA), the 
Business Marketing Association (BMA), EnVeritas Group (EVG), The Association for Data-driven Marketing & Advertising (ADMA), Industry Week, New 
Equipment Digest, WTWH Media, and Corporate Financial Group. 
A total of 5,167 recipients from around the globe—representing a full range of industries, functional areas, and company sizes—responded to the annual 
survey throughout July and August 2014. This report presents the findings from the 134 respondents who said they were for-profit marketers in the UK 
(99 B2B, 10 B2C, and 25 both B2B+B2C). Additional reports based on the annual survey are available at 
Special thanks to MarketingProfs for their assistance with the annual survey and the B2B North America and B2C North America reports. 
Size of UK Company 
(by Employees) 
UK Industry Classification UK Job Title/Function 
31% 40% 
10% 11% 
■ Advertising/Communications/ 
■ Technology 
■ Publishing/Media 
■ Consulting 
■ Banking/Accounting/Financial 
■ Other 
■ Marketing/Advertising/ 
Communications/PR Management 
■ Corporate Management/Owner 
■ Content Creation/Management 
■ Marketing Administration/Support 
■ Other 
■ Micro (Fewer than 10 Employees) 
■ Small (10-99 Employees) 
■ Midsize (100-999 Employees) 
■ Large (1,000+ Employees) 
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About Content Marketing Institute 
Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is the leading global content marketing education and training organization. CMI teaches enterprise brands 
how to attract and retain customers through compelling, multi-channel storytelling. CMI’s Content Marketing World event, the largest content 
marketing-focused event, is held every September, and Content Marketing Sydney, every March. CMI also produces the quarterly magazine 
Chief Content Officer, and provides strategic consulting and content marketing research for some of the best-known brands in the world. CMI 
is a 2012, 2013, and 2014 Inc. 500 company. View all CMI research at Learn how to create a 
documented content marketing strategy, a key component for improving overall content marketing effectiveness. 
About the DMA UK 
The DMA UK aims to connect, enable, and inspire its members to drive business growth through one-to-one to millions communications. 
The DMA helps brands, agencies, and suppliers put the customer at the heart of their one-to-one communications through providing 
opportunities, advice, support, networks and tools to ensure that each business can grow prosperously to be enjoyed, prized, and ultimately 
sustained by their markets. 
About Axonn Media 
Axonn Media’s mission is to simplify content marketing for everyone. We work with clients across Europe, adding value through our content 
strategy, creation, and technology services (and never-ending supply of great ideas and commitment to results!). 
Our core values drive us: 
1. If better is possible, good is not enough 
2. Take personal responsibility for success 
3. Embrace and drive creative ideas 
4. Make good things happen 
5. Love to learn and share 
6. Make it FUN! 
We’ve loved working with CMI on this report and seeing how the UK content marketing industry continues to develop. 
Listen to our CEO Fergus Parker and CMI founder Joe Pulizzi discuss the report in more detail in a webinar: 
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Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets & Trends by CMA and DMA sponsored by Axonn

  • 1. Content Marketing in THE UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends SponSored by
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 2  Welcome................................................................................................................................................. 3  Usage & Overall Effectiveness.............................................................................................................. 4  Strategy & Organization........................................................................................................................ 6  Goals & Metrics..................................................................................................................................... 10  Content Creation & Distribution........................................................................................................ 13  Budgets & Spending............................................................................................................................ 22  Challenges & Initiatives...................................................................................................................... 24  Comparison Chart: Documented vs. Verbal-Only Content Marketing Strategy.......................... 29  Demographics...................................................................................................................................... 30  About..................................................................................................................................................... 31 SponSored by
  • 3. WELCOME Hello Content Marketers, Welcome to the third annual Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends. This year, we look at how UK for-profit marketers (both B2B and B2C) approach content marketing as compared with last year. One of the most prominent findings this year is that UK marketers have become much more focused on their goals for content marketing—and those goals have changed. The percentage of marketers who say lead nurturing is a goal, for example, has nearly tripled. Engagement has surpassed brand awareness as the most often cited goal. Even so, creating engaging content is the top challenge for UK marketers; yet, many are working on initiatives to improve in that regard. As was the case last year, UK marketers feel more effective at content marketing when compared with many North American and Australian marketers, which are groups that Content Marketing Institute (CMI) also reports on. As CMI found with all groups, having a documented content marketing strategy is an important key to success. Best wishes on your continued content marketing journey. Yours in content, Joe & Chris Joe Pulizzi Founder Content Marketing Institute Chris Combemale Executive Director DMA UK 3 SponSored by
  • 4. USAGE & OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS Does your organization SponSored by 4 use content marketing? 85% say yes Last year, 88% of UK respondents said they use content marketing. Back then, we defined content marketing as the “creation and distribution of educational and/or compelling content in multiple media formats to attract and/ or retain customers.” This year, we defined content marketing as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” The new definition—crafted by Content Marketing Institute in early 2014—better reflects how content marketing has grown from the mere “creation and distribution” of content to a formal business discipline. Percentage of UK Respondents Using Content Marketing 85% Yes 15% No Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 5. SponSored by USAGE & OVERALL EFFECTIVENESS 5 Overall, how effective is your organization at content marketing? 42% say they are effective Note: For purposes of our annual survey, we define effectiveness as “accomplishing your overall objectives.” Those who rate their organizations a 4 or 5 (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being “Very Effective” and 1 being “Not at all Effective”) are the “most effective” or “best-in-class.” The 1s and 2s are considered the “least effective,” while the 3s are neutral. Last year, 48% of UK marketers said they were effective. Having a documented content marketing strategy helps in this regard: 71% of those who possess one say they are effective. How UK Marketers Rate the Effectiveness of Their Organization’s Use of Content Marketing Very Effective 6% 36% 37% 18% Not At All Effective 3% 0 10 20 30 40 50 5 4 3 2 1 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 6. SponSored by STRATEGY & ORGANIZATION 6 Does your organization have a content marketing strategy? 36% say they have a documented strategy Percentage of UK Marketers Who Have a Content Marketing Strategy Last year, we asked marketers for the first time Yes, and it is documented 36% whether or not they had a documented content marketing strategy. The high percentage who Yes, but it is not documented 51% said no (49%) left us wondering whether some had a strategy but simply had not taken the No 11% time to document it. So this year we worded the question differently and discovered that 51% have a verbal-only strategy. The 36% who have documented their strategy are more effective in nearly all aspects of content marketing when compared with those who Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK have not. Unsure 2% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
  • 7. SponSored by STRATEGY & ORGANIZATION Very closely 44% Somewhat 53% We rarely use it 3% Unsure 0% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 7 How closely does your content marketing strategy guide your organization’s content marketing efforts? 44% say very closely Having a strategy is one thing—following it is another. The more effective the UK marketer, the more likely it is that his or her organization follows the strategy very closely (65% of the most effective follow their strategy very closely). Percentage of UK Marketers Who Say Strategy Guides Efforts Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 8. SponSored by STRATEGY & ORGANIZATION Yes, and it functions independently as its own unit 18% Yes, and it works horizontally across the organization silos 27% No, but planning to have one 23% No, and no plans to have one that I know of 31% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 8 Does your organization have a dedicated content marketing group? 45% say yes This is a new question on our annual survey. The most effective marketers are more likely to have a dedicated group (66%) when compared with the total sample (45%). The same is true for those who have a documented content marketing strategy (68%). Percentage of UK Marketers Who Have a Dedicated Content Marketing Group Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 9. SponSored by STRATEGY & ORGANIZATION 9 Which area in your organization is accountable for content marketing? It often depends on company size In small UK companies (10-99 employees), content marketers are more likely to report to the owner/C-level. In enterprise companies (1,000+ employees), content marketing is more likely to be part of the demand-gen marketing group. Areas Accountable for UK Content Marketing Owner/C-level Demand Gen Marketing Product Marketing Social Team/Social CRM PR/Corporate Communications Information Technology Other No One, Unsure, or No Answer 26% 18% 5% 14% 14% 2% 10% 11% Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 10. SponSored by GOALS & METRICS 10 How important is each of the following content marketing goals to your organization? More focus on engagement, leads, and sales this year Note: Percentages shown represent marketers who rated each goal a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 = “Very Important” and 1 = “Not at all Important.” UK marketers cited each of these goals more frequently than they did last year. Some of the biggest increases were for sales (+29%), lead generation (+21%), and engagement (+17%). The greatest increase, however, was for lead nurturing. Last year, 30% cited it as a goal, compared with 85% this year. Customer evangelism was a new option on the survey this year. Organizational Goals for UK Content Marketing Engagement Lead Nurturing Lead Generation Brand Awareness Sales Customer Retention/Loyalty Upsell/Cross-sell Customer Evangelism 91% 85% 84% 83% 77% 73% 57% 56% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 11. SponSored by 11 Which metrics does your organization use to assess content marketing success? 61% say website traffic Note: Fewer than 30% cited the following metrics: Benchmark Lift of Company Awareness (26%), Customer Renewal Rates (21%), Benchmark Lift of Product/Service Awareness (19%), and Cost Savings (8%). Regardless of how effective they are at content marketing, UK marketers cite website traffic as the metric they use most often to gauge content marketing success. Website traffic topped this list last year as well. GOALS & METRICS Metrics for UK Content Marketing Success Website Traffic Higher Conversion Rates Sales Sales Lead Quality SEO Ranking Time Spent on Website Inbound Links Subscriber Growth Qualitative Feedback from Customers Sales Lead Quantity 61% 47% 44% 41% 40% 40% 33% 33% 32% 31% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 12. SponSored by 12 How successful is your organization at tracking the ROI of its content marketing program? 28% say they are successful As these percentages show, tracking ROI can be a challenge. Having a documented content marketing strategy helps, though, as 46% of those who possess one are successful in this area, compared with the 28% average for the total sample. GOALS & METRICS How UK Marketers Rate Their Organization’s Success at Tracking ROI Very Successful 7% 21% 34% 21% Not At All Successful 5% We Do Not Track 11% 0 10 20 30 40 50 5 4 3 2 1 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 13. SponSored by 13 Compared with one year ago, how much content is your organization creating? 78% are creating more Last year, 76% said they were creating more content. CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION Change in UK Content Creation (Over Last 12 Months) Significantly More More Same Amount Less Unsure 32% 1% 3% 46% 18% Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 14. SponSored by 14 How many different audiences does your organization target with separate content marketing strategies? The average number is 4 In general, the larger the UK organization, the more audiences it targets. Enterprise companies (1,000+ employees) target an average of 5. CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION Number of Audiences that UK Marketers Target 8% 3% 20% 48% 11% 10% 0 10 20 30 40 50 10+ 7-10 4-6 2-3 1 Unsure Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 15. SponSored by 15 Which content marketing tactics does your organization use? eNewsletters had the biggest increase this year Average Number Used: 12 Note: Fewer than 50% said they use the following tactics: Branded Content Tools (46%), Microsites (46%), Research Reports (45%), eBooks (42%), Webinars (41%), Print Magazines (36%), Books (34%), Digital Magazines (33%), Mobile Apps (32%), Print Newsletters (25%), Games/ Gamification (23%), Virtual Conferences (23%), and Podcasts (22%). UK marketers, in total, use an average of 12 content marketing tactics, compared with 14 last year. The most effective and those who have a documented content marketing strategy use an average of 14. The percentages shown on the chart are similar to last year’s. The biggest increase was with eNewsletters (82% last year vs. 88% this year). The biggest decrease is with online presentations (57% last year vs. 50% this year). Illlustrations/photos was a new option on the survey this year. CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION UK Content Marketing Tactic Usage Social Media Content – other than blogs eNewsletters Blogs Articles on Your Website Case Studies Videos In-person Events Illustrations/Photos Infographics Online Presentations White Papers 89% 88% 85% 82% 80% 73% 72% 63% 61% 50% 50% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 16. SponSored by 16 How effective are the following tactics that you use? 72% say in-person events are effective These are the 10 tactics that UK marketers find most effective. Once again this year, marketers said in-person events are the most effective tactic. UK marketers rated only one of these tactics as more effective than they did last year: blogs (67% vs. 63% last year). Confidence in the other tactics decreased slightly. Infographics is new to the top 10 effective list this year. CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION Effectiveness Ratings for UK Tactics 72% 67% 64% 63% 60% 58% 57% 57% 56% 55% In-person Events Blogs Social Media Content – other than blogs Case Studies Webinars eNewsletters Articles on Your Website Videos White Papers Infographics 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 17. SponSored by 17 Which social media platforms does your organization use to distribute content? 96% use LinkedIn Average Number Used: 6 Note: Fewer than 25% said they use the following platforms: Instagram (24%), Vimeo (24%), StumbleUpon (18%), Flickr (17%), Vine (15%), Foursquare (11%), Tumblr (11%), and SnapChat (6%). As with last year, UK marketers use an average of 6 social media platforms. Compared with last year, the biggest increases in usage are LinkedIn (96% vs. 85%) and Google+ (68% vs. 55%). Usage of Twitter has remained the same. Usage of the other platforms has increased or decreased slightly. CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Google+ YouTube Pinterest SlideShare UK Content Marketing Social Media Platform Usage 96% 89% 69% 68% 68% 37% 36% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 18. SponSored by 18 How effective are the social media platforms that you use? 75% say Twitter is effective These are the 7 social media platforms that UK marketers find most effective. Twitter has replaced LinkedIn as the social media platform that UK marketers say is most effective. Last year, 61% said Twitter was effective (compared with 75% this year) and 66% said LinkedIn was effective (compared with 61% this year). The biggest decrease in confidence was with Google+ (29% last year vs. 19% this year). Effectiveness ratings for the other social media platforms shown here are similar to last year. CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION Effectiveness Ratings for UK Social Media Platforms Twitter LinkedIn YouTube SlideShare Facebook Pinterest Google+ 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 75% 61% 50% 37% 29% 24% 19% Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 19. SponSored by 19 How often does your organization publish new content that supports its content marketing program? 42% say daily or multiple times per week The most effective UK marketers publish new content even more frequently than the percentages shown here (63% of the most effective UK marketers publish new content daily or multiple times per week). CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION How Often UK Marketers Publish New Content Daily Multiple Times per Week Weekly Multiple Times per Month Monthly Less than Once per Month Unsure 15% 27% 7% 16% 13% 20% 2% Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 20. SponSored by 20 Which paid advertising methods do you use to promote/distribute content? Search engine marketing (SEM) and print or other offline promotion are cited most often Average Number Used: 3 This was a new question on the survey this year. The most effective UK marketers use almost all of these paid methods more frequently when compared with the total sample. The exceptions are SEM and print or other offline promotion, which they all use at about the same rate. In addition, there is a correlation between company size and the number of paid methods used. For example, small companies (10-99 employees) use an average of 2 paid methods, whereas enterprise companies (1,000+ employees) use an average of 5. CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION UK Paid Advertising Usage 54% 54% 48% 38% Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Print or Other Offline Promotion Social Ads (e.g., LinkedIn ads) Traditional Online Banner Ads Promoted Posts (e.g., promoted Tweets) Native Advertising Content Discovery Tools 34% 31% 18% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 21. SponSored by 21 How effective are the paid advertising methods that you use to distribute content? SEM, social ads, and promoted posts are considered the most effective Note: Percentages shown represent marketers who rated each method a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale where 5 = “Very Effective” and 1 = “Not at all Effective.” Search engine marketing (SEM) is not only the paid method that UK marketers use most often to promote content, it’s also one of the methods they say is most effective. CONTENT CREATION & DISTRIBUTION Effectiveness Ratings for UK Paid Advertising Methods 46% 44% Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Social Ads (e.g., LinkedIn ads) Promoted Posts (e.g., promoted Tweets) Content Discovery Tools Print or Other Offline Promotion Traditional Online Banner Ads Native Advertising 44% 35% 34% 23% 20% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 22. SponSored by 22 Approximately what percentage of your organization’s total marketing budget (not including staff) is spent on content marketing? The average is 26% Last year, UK marketers spent an average of 31% of their budget on content marketing. The most effective UK marketers and those who have a documented content marketing strategy spend more (33% and 40% respectively) when compared with the total sample. BUDGETS & SPENDING Percentage of Total Marketing Budget Spent on UK Content Marketing 1% 5% 12% 7% 100% 75-99% 50-74% 25-49% 10-24% 1-9% 0% Unsure 20% 28% 5% 22% 0 10 20 30 40 50 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 23. SponSored by 23 How do you expect your organization’s content marketing budget to change in the next 12 months? 64% say they will increase spending Last year, 56% of UK marketers said they would increase spending vs. 64% this year. BUDGETS & SPENDING UK Content Marketing Spending (Over Next 12 Months) Significantly Increase 13% Increase Remain the Same Decrease 1% 51% 26% Unsure 8% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 24. SponSored by 24 With regard to content marketing, how challenged are you with each of the following? 51% say producing engaging content is a challenge UK marketers are more challenged this year than last in every area shown here except for lack of buy-in (22% last year). Technology-related challenges is new to the list this year, and producing content consistently has replaced producing enough content. Finding trained content marketing professionals (14% last year vs. 27% this year) and measuring content effectiveness (28% last year vs. 40% this year) increased the most. CHALLENGES & INITIATIVES Challenges that UK Marketers Face 51% 46% 46% 40% 34% 29% Producing Engaging Content Producing Content Consistently Lack of Budget Measuring Content Effectiveness Producing a Variety of Content Technology-related Challenges Gaps in Knowledge and Skills of Internal Team Finding Trained Content Marketing Professionals Lack of Integration Across Marketing Lack of Buy-in/Vision from Higher-Ups 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 27% 27% 26% 18% Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK
  • 25. CHALLENGES & INITIATIVES Which content marketing initiatives are you working on? A high percentage are focused on creating visual content and creating more engaging content. New this year, we presented marketers with a list of 28 initiatives. We asked them to select one of three options for each: working on now, plan to begin working on within 12 months, and not a priority. UK marketers are working on an average of 14 initiatives, and plan to begin working on 8 more, on average, over the next 12 months. The highest percentages of UK marketers are presently working on:  Creating visual content: 70%  Creating more engaging/higher-quality content: 69%  Better converting visitors on your website: 65%  Organizing content on your website: 65%  Better understanding of your audience: 63% As for which they plan to begin working on within 12 months, the highest percentages selected:  Better mobile strategy: 39%  Leveraging user- or fan-based generated content: 35%  Measuring content marketing ROI: 35%  Content personalization: 34%  Creating a channel plan for social media: 33% The initiatives appearing on the following pages are the 10 that received the highest combined percentages of “working on now” and “plan to begin working on within 12 months.” 25 SponSored by
  • 26. CHALLENGES & INITIATIVES 26 Creating More Engaging/Higher-Quality Content Creating Visual Content Creating a Greater Variety of Content 6% 8% 69% 31% 60% 19% 70% Now Within 12 Months Not a Priority No Answer 22% 6% 3% 3% 3% Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK SponSored by
  • 27. CHALLENGES & INITIATIVES 27 Better Converting Visitors on Website Optimizing Content Better Understanding of Audience 10% 10% 65% 25% 63% 28% 60% Now Within 12 Months Not a Priority No Answer 23% 9% 3% 2% 2% Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK SponSored by
  • 28. CHALLENGES & INITIATIVES 28 Better Understanding of What Content is Effective—and What Isn’t Measuring Content Marketing ROI Organizing Content on Website 11% 14% 60% 22% 65% 48% 35% Now Within 12 Months Not a Priority No Answer 11% 27% 2% Tying Content to Business Goals 61% 14% 22% 3% 2% 3% Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK SponSored by
  • 29. COMPARISON CHART Documented vs. Verbal-Only Content Marketing Strategy Verbal  Considers organization to be effective at content marketing.............................................................................................. 71%................... 33%  Content marketing strategy very closely guides efforts....................................................................................................... 78%................... 21%  Has a dedicated content marketing group........................................................................................................................... 68%................... 38%  Is successful at tracking ROI.................................................................................................................................................. 51%................... 18%  Average number of tactics used.............................................................................................................................................. 14.......................10  Average number of social media platforms used.................................................................................................................... 7.........................5  Publishes new content daily or multiple times per week .................................................................................................... 57%................... 38%  Percentage of total budget allocated to content marketing................................................................................................ 40%................... 20%  Challenged with producing engaging content..................................................................................................................... 29%................... 62%  Challenged with lack of budget............................................................................................................................................. 22%................... 57%  Average number of initiatives working on now...................................................................................................................... 17.......................12  Average number of initiatives planning to begin working on within 12 months................................................................... 7.........................9 29 Documented Strategy Strategy Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Content Marketing Institute/DMA UK SponSored by
  • 30. DEMOGRAPHICS Content Marketing in the UK 2015: Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends is produced by Content Marketing Institute in partnership with the DMA UK and sponsored by Axonn Media. The fifth annual content marketing survey, from which the results of this third annual UK report were generated, was mailed electronically to a sample of marketers using lists from Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs, Brightcove, Blackbaud, the Direct Marketing Association UK (DMA), the Business Marketing Association (BMA), EnVeritas Group (EVG), The Association for Data-driven Marketing & Advertising (ADMA), Industry Week, New Equipment Digest, WTWH Media, and Corporate Financial Group. A total of 5,167 recipients from around the globe—representing a full range of industries, functional areas, and company sizes—responded to the annual survey throughout July and August 2014. This report presents the findings from the 134 respondents who said they were for-profit marketers in the UK (99 B2B, 10 B2C, and 25 both B2B+B2C). Additional reports based on the annual survey are available at Special thanks to MarketingProfs for their assistance with the annual survey and the B2B North America and B2C North America reports. 30 Size of UK Company (by Employees) UK Industry Classification UK Job Title/Function 28% 8% 16% 31% 40% 24% 12% 37% 18% 13% 14% 31% 6% 10% 11% ■ Advertising/Communications/ Marketing/PR ■ Technology ■ Publishing/Media ■ Consulting ■ Banking/Accounting/Financial ■ Other ■ Marketing/Advertising/ Communications/PR Management ■ Corporate Management/Owner ■ Content Creation/Management ■ Marketing Administration/Support ■ Other ■ Micro (Fewer than 10 Employees) ■ Small (10-99 Employees) ■ Midsize (100-999 Employees) ■ Large (1,000+ Employees) SponSored by
  • 31. ABOUT About Content Marketing Institute Content Marketing Institute (CMI) is the leading global content marketing education and training organization. CMI teaches enterprise brands how to attract and retain customers through compelling, multi-channel storytelling. CMI’s Content Marketing World event, the largest content marketing-focused event, is held every September, and Content Marketing Sydney, every March. CMI also produces the quarterly magazine Chief Content Officer, and provides strategic consulting and content marketing research for some of the best-known brands in the world. CMI is a 2012, 2013, and 2014 Inc. 500 company. View all CMI research at Learn how to create a documented content marketing strategy, a key component for improving overall content marketing effectiveness. About the DMA UK The DMA UK aims to connect, enable, and inspire its members to drive business growth through one-to-one to millions communications. The DMA helps brands, agencies, and suppliers put the customer at the heart of their one-to-one communications through providing opportunities, advice, support, networks and tools to ensure that each business can grow prosperously to be enjoyed, prized, and ultimately sustained by their markets. About Axonn Media Axonn Media’s mission is to simplify content marketing for everyone. We work with clients across Europe, adding value through our content strategy, creation, and technology services (and never-ending supply of great ideas and commitment to results!). Our core values drive us: 1. If better is possible, good is not enough 2. Take personal responsibility for success 3. Embrace and drive creative ideas 4. Make good things happen 5. Love to learn and share 6. Make it FUN! We’ve loved working with CMI on this report and seeing how the UK content marketing industry continues to develop. Listen to our CEO Fergus Parker and CMI founder Joe Pulizzi discuss the report in more detail in a webinar: 31 SponSored by