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The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken
Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio
Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Helen Fallon,
Deputy Librarian, NUI Maynooth
• November 2011
– Donation of 28 letters and 27 poems written by
Ken Saro-Wiwa to the Library at NUI Maynooth

• November 2013
– Publication of “Silence Would be Treason: Last
Writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa” edited by Íde Corley, Helen Fallon
& Laurence Cox

– Launch of “Ken Saro-Wiwa Audio Archive” produced
by NUI Maynooth Library and Kairos Communications
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Ken Saro-Wiwa
• leading Nigerian and African
writer novelist, playwright, nonfiction writer, children’s
books and television writer
• Businessman
• Major figure in Nigerian
politics; his support for the
autonomy of the Ogoni
people led to his removal
from office in 1973
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Founder of MOSOP
Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni
People (MOSOP)
highlighted the issue of environmental
survival in the face of massive oil and gas
extraction in the Niger Delta and the
associated oil leaks, gas flaring and other
environmental crises threatening livelihoods
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Recipient of the Letters – Sister
Majella McCarron (OLA)
Sister Majella McCarron
• Born Derrylin Fermanagh
• Joined Our Lady of Apostles (OLA)
• Science Degree (UCC)
• Nigeria – 1964
• Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network
• 1990 Met Ken Saro-Wiwa
• Sister Majella (OLA) & Fr. Tommy Hayden
(SPMS) – Leadership Training
• Discussions in Lagos office
• 1993 January - MOSOP mobilised 300,000
Ogoni people (60% of the total population) in
a peaceful march
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
• MOSOP challenged those who benefitted from
the oil: the oil and gas multinationals and the
Nigerian military government
• Ogoni occupied by the Nigerian military;
destruction of villages; an estimated 750
people killed and 30,000 left homeless
• Saro-Wiwa and held for a month and a day
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Destruction of Ogoni settlement,
Port Harcourt
Ogoni Fishermen from Kaa
fishing village survey broken
canoes .
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Destruction at Kaa Market
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
1994 May – Saro-Wiwa re-arrested, together
with eight other activists, on trumped-up
charges of involvement in the deaths of four
Ogoni chiefs despite the fact that police had
refused him entry to Ogoniland on the day
of the killings
Military Detention
May 1994 - November 1995
• 28 Letters
• 27 Poems
• Smuggled out of detention in
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Sister Majella

1994 Returned to Ireland
Campaign to save lives of the Ogoni Nine
Ogoni Solidarity Ireland
Nobel Prize Nomination
1995 10th November – Ken Saro-Wiwa and
eight others executed
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Sister Majella

Mary Immaculate College
Garvaghy Road Conflict
Shell to Sea Campaign
Fracking in Leitrim
Shell Settlement
2009, June -Shell
settled out of
court for over
$15 million with
relatives of the
“Ogoni Nine”
• Sister Majella kept the letters, poems and
artefacts in her personal possession
• Met NUI Maynooth student – MA on Societies in
• Link with Library
• 2011 November handover to mark anniversary of
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection

Mostly handwritten
Detention conditions
MOSOP – leadership etc.
Sr. Majella’s work
His writing
The Trial
Book Concept
• Three main presentations
– Helen Fallon (Library), Dr. Íde Corley (English), Dr.
Laurence Cox (Sociology)


Massive international media coverage
Idea of bringing letters to a wider audience
Team of three set out to edit letters
2 years from handover to publication
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Ken Saro-Wiwa Archive

28 letters
27 poems
Artefacts – cap, flag, badge, T-shirt
Ephemera – flyers, pamphlets etc
• Copyright of letters lies with the letter writer
or if deceased with the estate
• Letter as artefact
• Ken Wiwa Junior
• Sister Majella/Dr Owens Wiwa
• Copyright of poems
• Permissions
Finding a Publisher

Book Proposal
Major Publishers
Daraja/CODESRIA headquarters in Senegal
Distribution Rights in Africa
Links (Action Aid India)
Good Relationship with Owner
Trócaire Grant
Legal Issues

People who are still living
Legal advice
Contact with publisher
The Letters
• Reading Text
• Typing text
• Annotating letters to give context and
• Meetings
• What to leave out
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Dear Sr.,
I got your letter, and many thanks. I don’t remember what I wrote to you, I
think I wrote in a very great hurry and so was not able to express myself clearly, maybe.
Of course, I know that you are all with me in spirit and am very encouraged
thereby. Nor did I imagine that you were doing nothing. But I have no access to
newspapers or radio, and I was in chains—which was quite depressing. The chains now
sit on my table, a reminder that they can go on at any time.
My condition is not very bad. I have an air-conditioned room to myself, and
the electricity has only failed once. I can write and only yesterday succeeded in
smuggling my computer into this place. I can cook (though I cannot cook) for myself
and from time to time, I can smuggle out letters. The only thing is that family
members, lawyers and doctor are not allowed to see me. The military doctor came just
once and wrote a recommendation that I be sent to the University Teaching Hospital.
The Military Administrator [Lt.-Col. Duada Musa Komo] has ignored the
recommendation which makes me believe that he wants me dead. I’ve also seen the
scurrilous things he’s said about me in Quality magazine. It’s annoying! In my first
month here, I had only the Bible for reading. I decided to read it from cover to cover. I
was very disturbed by the violence in the book of Joshua. The soldier who owned the
Bible has taken it away. I had gotten to the lamentations of Jeremiah. Of course, the
Bible is a great book. I’ve since had access to other books and my mind is wellnourished. With the computer now here, I think I’ll be quite busy.
My worry, as ever, is the Ogoni people. With all MOSOP people out of the
way, the protection which we offered the people is gone.
Dear Sr. Majella,
Thanks for your note. I’m really quite happy to have EC [European Commission]
help pass through the Catholic Church. You’ve all been so supportive and
MOSOP will be right glad to have such friends or supervisors. Please do not have
any doubts whatsoever on that score. We are so swamped with responsibilities
that having some of it off our necks is sheer relief. I’ll tell UNPO [Unrepresented
Nations and Peoples Organization] about the Brussels connection. They will be
able to drum up support from other European countries.
4.30 on Sunday is okay - more so as my last rally is at Bori at about that time.
I’m in Lagos until Friday morning. If there is anything to discuss with me, ring on
[telephone number provided]. The other tel. no. is dead.
The Poems

27 Poems
Most had been published
Copyright lies with estate
Poem for Sr Majella McCarron
Permission granted
Poem written by Sister Majella included
• Annotated letters
• Poems
• Contextual essays
– Archives, oil, literature

• Foreword
• Archival classification
• Bibliography &
Resources list
• Bursary
The Ken Saro-Wiwa Audio Archive
• Making the recordings – 14 to date

Corresponding with the family
Role of University
Home for the Audio Archive
• Editing and organising
• Size
• Options

Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI)
University repository

• SoundCloud

Audio hosting solution and social media network
Annual subscription
Unlimited space for audio files
Album covers
Link from website via “Electronic Resources”
Google search
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection
Statistics 3 February 2014
• Total of 454 plays

Ireland 387
United Kingdom 16
United States 26
Nigeria 12
Netherlands 3
Germany 3
Senegal 3
Norway 2
Brazil 1
India 1
Getting the message out

Journal Articles
Magazine/Newspaper Articles
Online Publications/Newswires etc.
Social Media
Book and Audio-Archive Details
• Silence Would be Treason: Last Writings of Ken
Saro-Wiwa, edited by Íde Corley, Helen Fallon
& Laurence Cox. Senegal:
Daraja/CODESRIA, 2013. isbn 9782869785571
• Ken Saro-Wiwa Audio Archive
Click on disclaimer

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The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection

  • 1. The Death-Row Correspondence of Ken Saro-Wiwa: Creating a Book and Audio Archive from a Unique Library Collection Helen Fallon, Deputy Librarian, NUI Maynooth
  • 2. Background • November 2011 – Donation of 28 letters and 27 poems written by Ken Saro-Wiwa to the Library at NUI Maynooth • November 2013 – Publication of “Silence Would be Treason: Last Writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa” edited by Íde Corley, Helen Fallon & Laurence Cox – Launch of “Ken Saro-Wiwa Audio Archive” produced by NUI Maynooth Library and Kairos Communications
  • 6. Ken Saro-Wiwa • leading Nigerian and African writer novelist, playwright, nonfiction writer, children’s books and television writer • Businessman • Major figure in Nigerian politics; his support for the autonomy of the Ogoni people led to his removal from office in 1973
  • 9. Founder of MOSOP Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) highlighted the issue of environmental survival in the face of massive oil and gas extraction in the Niger Delta and the associated oil leaks, gas flaring and other environmental crises threatening livelihoods
  • 15. The Recipient of the Letters – Sister Majella McCarron (OLA)
  • 17. Sister Majella McCarron • Born Derrylin Fermanagh • Joined Our Lady of Apostles (OLA) Congregation • Science Degree (UCC) • Nigeria – 1964 • Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) • 1990 Met Ken Saro-Wiwa
  • 18. MOSOP • Sister Majella (OLA) & Fr. Tommy Hayden (SPMS) – Leadership Training • Discussions in Lagos office • 1993 January - MOSOP mobilised 300,000 Ogoni people (60% of the total population) in a peaceful march
  • 20. Detention • MOSOP challenged those who benefitted from the oil: the oil and gas multinationals and the Nigerian military government • Ogoni occupied by the Nigerian military; destruction of villages; an estimated 750 people killed and 30,000 left homeless • Saro-Wiwa and held for a month and a day
  • 22. Destruction of Ogoni settlement, Port Harcourt
  • 23. Ogoni Fishermen from Kaa fishing village survey broken canoes .
  • 27. 1994 May – Saro-Wiwa re-arrested, together with eight other activists, on trumped-up charges of involvement in the deaths of four Ogoni chiefs despite the fact that police had refused him entry to Ogoniland on the day of the killings
  • 28. Military Detention May 1994 - November 1995 • 28 Letters • 27 Poems • Smuggled out of detention in breadbaskets
  • 31. Sister Majella • • • • • • 1994 Returned to Ireland Campaign to save lives of the Ogoni Nine Ogoni Solidarity Ireland Trócaire Nobel Prize Nomination 1995 10th November – Ken Saro-Wiwa and eight others executed
  • 34. Sister Majella • • • • Mary Immaculate College Garvaghy Road Conflict Shell to Sea Campaign Fracking in Leitrim
  • 35. Shell Settlement 2009, June -Shell settled out of court for over $15 million with relatives of the “Ogoni Nine”
  • 36. 1995-2011 • Sister Majella kept the letters, poems and artefacts in her personal possession • Met NUI Maynooth student – MA on Societies in Transition • Link with Library • 2011 November handover to mark anniversary of execution •
  • 39. Letters • • • • • • • • Mostly handwritten Detention conditions Family MOSOP – leadership etc. Sr. Majella’s work His writing Awards The Trial
  • 40. Book Concept • Three main presentations – Helen Fallon (Library), Dr. Íde Corley (English), Dr. Laurence Cox (Sociology) • • • • Massive international media coverage Idea of bringing letters to a wider audience Team of three set out to edit letters 2 years from handover to publication
  • 45. The Ken Saro-Wiwa Archive • • • • 28 letters 27 poems Artefacts – cap, flag, badge, T-shirt Ephemera – flyers, pamphlets etc
  • 46. Copyright • Copyright of letters lies with the letter writer or if deceased with the estate • Letter as artefact • Ken Wiwa Junior • Sister Majella/Dr Owens Wiwa • Copyright of poems • Permissions
  • 47. Finding a Publisher • • • • • • • • Book Proposal Major Publishers Daraja/CODESRIA headquarters in Senegal Not-for-profit Distribution Rights in Africa Links (Action Aid India) Good Relationship with Owner Trócaire Grant
  • 48. Legal Issues • • • • • • Risk People who are still living Shell Legal advice Contact with publisher Costs
  • 49. The Letters • Reading Text • Typing text • Annotating letters to give context and meaning • Meetings • What to leave out
  • 51. 13/7/94 Dear Sr., I got your letter, and many thanks. I don’t remember what I wrote to you, I think I wrote in a very great hurry and so was not able to express myself clearly, maybe. Of course, I know that you are all with me in spirit and am very encouraged thereby. Nor did I imagine that you were doing nothing. But I have no access to newspapers or radio, and I was in chains—which was quite depressing. The chains now sit on my table, a reminder that they can go on at any time. My condition is not very bad. I have an air-conditioned room to myself, and the electricity has only failed once. I can write and only yesterday succeeded in smuggling my computer into this place. I can cook (though I cannot cook) for myself and from time to time, I can smuggle out letters. The only thing is that family members, lawyers and doctor are not allowed to see me. The military doctor came just once and wrote a recommendation that I be sent to the University Teaching Hospital. The Military Administrator [Lt.-Col. Duada Musa Komo] has ignored the recommendation which makes me believe that he wants me dead. I’ve also seen the scurrilous things he’s said about me in Quality magazine. It’s annoying! In my first month here, I had only the Bible for reading. I decided to read it from cover to cover. I was very disturbed by the violence in the book of Joshua. The soldier who owned the Bible has taken it away. I had gotten to the lamentations of Jeremiah. Of course, the Bible is a great book. I’ve since had access to other books and my mind is wellnourished. With the computer now here, I think I’ll be quite busy. My worry, as ever, is the Ogoni people. With all MOSOP people out of the way, the protection which we offered the people is gone.
  • 52. 20/10/93 Dear Sr. Majella, Thanks for your note. I’m really quite happy to have EC [European Commission] help pass through the Catholic Church. You’ve all been so supportive and MOSOP will be right glad to have such friends or supervisors. Please do not have any doubts whatsoever on that score. We are so swamped with responsibilities that having some of it off our necks is sheer relief. I’ll tell UNPO [Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization] about the Brussels connection. They will be able to drum up support from other European countries. 4.30 on Sunday is okay - more so as my last rally is at Bori at about that time. I’m in Lagos until Friday morning. If there is anything to discuss with me, ring on [telephone number provided]. The other tel. no. is dead. Regards, Ken.
  • 53. The Poems • • • • • • 27 Poems Most had been published Copyright lies with estate Poem for Sr Majella McCarron Permission granted Poem written by Sister Majella included
  • 54. Contents • Annotated letters • Poems • Contextual essays – Archives, oil, literature • Foreword • Archival classification • Bibliography & Resources list • Bursary
  • 55. The Ken Saro-Wiwa Audio Archive • Making the recordings – 14 to date • • • • • • Copyright Corresponding with the family Role of University Disclaimer Relationships Sensitivities
  • 56. Home for the Audio Archive • Editing and organising • Size • Options – – – – Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) University repository HEAnet iTunes • SoundCloud
  • 57. Soundcloud • • • • • • • • Audio hosting solution and social media network Annual subscription Unlimited space for audio files Album covers Keywords/tagging Link from website via “Electronic Resources” Google search Statistics
  • 61. Statistics 3 February 2014 • Total of 454 plays – – – – – – – – – – Ireland 387 United Kingdom 16 United States 26 Nigeria 12 Netherlands 3 Germany 3 Senegal 3 Norway 2 Brazil 1 India 1
  • 62. Getting the message out • • • • • • Journal Articles Magazine/Newspaper Articles Online Publications/Newswires etc. Radio Social Media Presentations
  • 63. Book and Audio-Archive Details • Silence Would be Treason: Last Writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa, edited by Íde Corley, Helen Fallon & Laurence Cox. Senegal: Daraja/CODESRIA, 2013. isbn 9782869785571 • Ken Saro-Wiwa Audio Archive Click on disclaimer

Editor's Notes

  • #29: 28 letters to Sr. Majella McCarron and 27 poemsClear and direct, these letters and poems are the last expression of a voice the regime was determined to silence Smuggled out in breadbaskets
  • #56: 2009 – Shell Out of Court Settlement with relatives for US $15 million
  • #57: Soundcloud is both an audio hosting solution and social media network that allows musicians to distribute their audio content to the world. There are options for sharing music and audio messages publicly - embedding them in social networks, blogs, and websites or privately with friends. Hence it is widely used by bloggers for a hosting solution to their podcasts. SoundCloud distributes music using widgets and apps. Users can simple place the widget on their own websites or blogs and then SoundCloud API will automatically do the rest. One of the enjoyable features of Soundcloud is that it depicts audio tracks graphically as waveforms and allows users to comment on specific parts of the track (also known as timed comments). Other standard features include reposts, sets, followers, and downloads.