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Monadologie —
  professional help for
          type anxiety

              Christopher League
              12 July 2010
Monadologie —


Principles of

January 1997 § Paris
“Java might be the vehicle    Principles of
 that will help us carry      Programming
 modern programming
 language innovations         Languages
 into industrial practice.”
              – me
                              January 1997 § Paris
   continuations – control flow
         monads – data flow
def plus [A] (x: Int, y: Int, k: Int=>A): A =

def times [A] (x: Int, y: Int, k: Int=>A): A =

def less [A] (x: Int, y: Int,
              kt: => A, kf: => A): A =
    if(x < y) kt else kf
def factorial [A] (n: Int, k: Int => A): A =
    less(n, 2, k(1),
         plus(n, -1, (m:Int) =>
              factorial(m, (f:Int) =>
                        times(n, f, k))))

scala>   factorial(5, println)
scala>   factorial(3, factorial(_, println))
scala>   val n = factorial(3, r => r)
n: Int   = 6
makes some programs simpler
class Regex
case class Literal(s: String)    extends       Regex
case class Concat(r1: Regex, r2: Regex)
                                 extends       Regex
case class Choice(r1: Regex, r2: Regex)
                                 extends       Regex
case class Star(r: Regex)        extends       Regex

Concat(Star(Literal("ab")), Literal("abc"))
// (ab*)abc matches abababc

       Concat(Literal("a"), Star(Literal("ba"))))
// (ab)*|a(ba)* matches abababa
def accept (regex: Regex, chars: Seq[Char],
            k: Seq[Char] => Boolean): Boolean =
  regex match {
    case Literal(expect) =>
      else false
    case Concat(regex1, regex2) =>
      accept(regex1, chars, remaining =>
        accept(regex2, remaining, k))
    case Choice(regex1, regex2) =>
      accept(regex1, chars, k) || accept(regex2, chars, k)
    case Star(repeatable) =>
      k(chars) ||
      accept(repeatable, chars, remaining =>
        accept(regex, remaining, k))
def accept (regex: Regex, chars: Seq[Char],
            k: Seq[Char] => Boolean): Boolean =

def complete (remaining: Seq[Char]): Boolean =
    remaining.length == 0

accept(regex1, "abababc", complete) // true
accept(regex2, "abababa", complete) // true
accept(regex1, "abababcd", complete) // false
via compiler plugin (2.8)
    shift & reset
def doSomething0 = reset {
  val result = 1 + special * 3

        Punch a hole in your code.
        What type of value is expected in the hole?
        What happens after the hole?
        What is result type of the reset block?
def doSomething0 = reset {
  val result = 1 + special * 3

        Think of the rest of the computation as
        a function with the hole as its parameter.
        Call it the continuation.
def doSomething1 = reset {
  val result = 1 + special * 3

def special = shift {
  k: (Int => Unit) =>
    "Gotcha!"     shift captures the continuation and
}                 then determines its own future.
def doSomething1 = reset {
  val result = 1 + special * 3

def special = shift {
  k: (Int => Unit) =>
    "Gotcha!"     shift doSomething1
                scala> captures the continuation and
}               Ready?determines its own future.
                   res0: java.lang.String = Gotcha!
def doSomething2 = reset {
  val result = 1 + wacky * 3

def wacky = shift {
  k: (Int => Unit) =>
def doSomething2 = reset {
  val result = 1 + wacky * 3

def wacky = shift {
  k: (Int => Unit) =>
    println("Yo!")    scala> doSomething2
    k(3)              Ready?
}                     7
low-level control-flow primitive that
can implement:
                concurrency (actors)
                suspensions (lazy)
def multi = reset {
  println("This function returns tentatively")
  println("but you can always ask for more.")
  println("Didn't like that? Back again.")
  println("Still not OK? I'm out of ideas!")
def multi = reset {
  println("This function returns tentatively")
  println("but you can always ask for more.")
  println("Didn't like that? Back again.")
          scala> multi
  produce(99) function returns tentatively
  println("Still can alwaysI'm out more.
          but you not OK? ask for of ideas!")
  None    res0: Option[ReturnThunk[Int]] = Some(...)
}         scala> println(res0.get.value)
          scala> res0.get.proceed
          Didn’t like that? Back again.
          res1: Option[ReturnThunk[Int]] = Some(...)
          scala> println(res1.get.value)
          scala> res1.get.proceed
          Still not OK? I’m out of ideas!
          res2: Option[ReturnThunk[Int]] = None
def multi = reset {
  println("This function returns tentatively")
  println("but you can always ask for more.")
  println("Didn't like that? Back again.")
  println("Still not OK? I'm out of ideas!")
case class ReturnThunk[A]
  (value: A,
   proceed: Unit => Option[ReturnThunk[A]])

def produce [A] (value: A):
    Unit @cps[Option[ReturnThunk[A]]] =
  shift {
    k: (Unit => Option[ReturnThunk[A]]) =>
      Some(ReturnThunk(value, k))
def multi = reset {
  println("This function returns tentatively")
  println("but you can always ask for more.")
  println("Didn't like that? Back again.")
  println("Still not OK? I'm out of ideas!")
def interact = reset {
  val first = ask("Please give me a number")
  val second = ask("Enter another number")
  printf("The sum of your numbers is: %dn",
         first + second)
def interact = reset {
  val first = ask("Please give me a number")
  val second = ask("Enter another number")
  printf("The sum of your numbers is: %dn",
         first + second)
    scala> interact
    Please give me a number
    respond with: submit(0x28d092b7, ...)
    scala> submit(0x28d092b7, 14)
    Enter another number
    respond with: submit(0x1ddb017b, ...)
    scala> submit(0x1ddb017b, 28)
    The sum of your numbers is: 42
type UUID = Int
def uuidGen: UUID = Random.nextInt
type Data = Int
val sessions = new HashMap[UUID, Data=>Unit]

def ask(prompt: String): Data @cps[Unit] = shift {
    k: (Data => Unit) => {
      val id = uuidGen
      printf("%snrespond with: submit(0x%x, ...)n",
             prompt, id)
      sessions += id -> k

def submit(id: UUID, data: Data) = sessions(id)(data)

def interact = reset {
  val first = ask("Please give me a number")
  val second = ask("Enter another number")
  printf("The sum of your numbers is: %dn",
         first + second)
def harmful = reset {
    var i = 0
    println("Hello world!")
    i = i + 1
    if(i < 20) goto("loop")
def harmful = reset {
    var i = 0
    println("Hello world!")   Hello world!
    label("loop")             0
    println(i)                1
    i = i + 1                 2
    if(i < 20) goto("loop")   .
    println("Done.")          .
}                             18
def harmful = reset {
    var i = 0
    println("Hello world!")
    i = i + 1
    if(i < 20) goto("loop")
val labelMap = new HashMap[String, Unit=>Unit]

def label(name:String) =
  shift { k:(Unit=>Unit) =>
    labelMap += name -> k
def goto(name:String) =
  shift { k:(Unit=>Unit) => labelMap(name)() }
def harmful = reset {
    var i = 0
    println("Hello world!")
    i = i + 1
    if(i < 20) goto("loop")
the leading design pattern
for functional programming
A type constructor M is a monad
if it supports these operations:
 def unit[A] (x: A): M[A]

 def flatMap[A,B] (m: M[A]) (f: A => M[B]): M[B]

 def map[A,B] (m: M[A]) (f: A => B): M[B] =
   flatMap(m){ x => unit(f(x)) }

 def andThen[A,B] (ma: M[A]) (mb: M[B]): M[B] =
   flatMap(ma){ x => mb }
Option is a monad.
def unit[A] (x: A): Option[A] = Some(x)

def flatMap[A,B](m:Option[A])(f:A =>Option[B]):
    Option[B] =
  m match {
    case None => None
    case Some(x) => f(x)
List is a monad.
def unit[A] (x: A): List[A] = List(x)

def flatMap[A,B](m:List[A])(f:A =>List[B]): List[B] =
  m match {
    case Nil => Nil
    case x::xs => f(x) ::: flatMap(xs)(f)
For comprehension: convenient syntax for monadic structures.
            for(i    <- 1 to   4;
                j    <- 1 to   i;
                k    <- 1 to   j)
            yield    { i*j*k   }

Compiler translates it to:
         (1 to 4).flatMap { i =>
           (1 to i).flatMap { j =>
             (1 to j).map { k =>
               i*j*k }}}
Example: a series of operations, where each may fail.
 lookupVenue: String => Option[Venue]
 getLoggedInUser: SessionID => Option[User]
 reserveTable: (Venue, User) => Option[ConfNo]
Example: a series of operations, where each may fail.
 lookupVenue: String => Option[Venue]
 getLoggedInUser: SessionID => Option[User]
 reserveTable: (Venue, User) => Option[ConfNo]

 val user = getLoggedInUser(session)
 val confirm =
   if(!user.isDefined) { None }
   else lookupVenue(name) match {
     case None => None
     case Some(venue) => {
       val confno = reserveTable(venue, user.get)
         mailTo(confno.get, user.get)
Example: a series of operations, where each may fail.
 lookupVenue: String => Option[Venue]
 getLoggedInUser: SessionID => Option[User]
 reserveTable: (Venue, User) => Option[ConfNo]

 val user = getLoggedInUser(session)
 val confirm =
   if(!user.isDefined) { None }
   else lookupVenue(name) match {
     case None => None
     case Some(venue) => {
       val confno = reserveTable(venue, user.get)
         mailTo(confno.get, user.get)
Example: a series of operations, where each may fail.
 lookupVenue: String => Option[Venue]
 getLoggedInUser: SessionID => Option[User]
 reserveTable: (Venue, User) => Option[ConfNo]

 val confirm =
   for(venue <- lookupVenue(name);
       user <- getLoggedInUser(session);
       confno <- reserveTable(venue, user))
   yield {
     mailTo(confno, user)
Example from Lift form validation:
  def addUser(): Box[UserInfo] =
    for {
      firstname <- S.param("firstname") ?~
                  "firstname parameter missing" ~> 400
      lastname <- S.param("lastname") ?~
                  "lastname parameter missing"
      email <- S.param("email") ?~
                  "email parameter missing"
    } yield {
      val u = User.create.firstName(firstname).

        S.param("password") foreach u.password.set

Example: use monad to pass around state behind the scenes

 class Tree[A]
 case class Leaf[A](elem: A) extends Tree[A]
 case class Branch[A](left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A])
        extends Tree[A]

 inject(‘Q’,        )               =>

    f               a                    Q               c
        d                       b            f                       g

            e   c       h   g                    d   e       a   h
def inject[A] (root: Tree[A], cur: A): (Tree[A], A) =
    root match {
      case Leaf(old) => (Leaf(cur), old)
      case Branch(left, right) =>
        val (t1, last1) = inject(left, cur)
        val (t2, last2) = inject(right, last1)
        (Branch(t1,t2), last2)
def inject[A] (root: Tree[A], cur: A): (Tree[A], A) =
    root match {
      case Leaf(old) => (Leaf(cur), old)
      case Branch(left, right) =>
        val (t1, last1) = inject(left, cur)
        val (t2, last2) = inject(right, last1)
        (Branch(t1,t2), last2)
def injectST[A] (root: Tree[A]): ST[A, Tree[A]] =
    root match {
      case Leaf(old) =>
        for(cur <- init[A];
            u <- update[A](_ => old))
          yield Leaf(cur)
      case Branch(left, right) =>
        for(t1 <- injectST(left);
            t2 <- injectST(right))
          yield Branch(t1,t2)
case class ST[S,A](exec: S => (S,A)) {
  def flatMap[B] (f: A => ST[S,B]): ST[S,B] =
    ST { s0 =>
      val (s1, a) = exec(s0)

    def map[B] (f: A => B)
          (implicit unit: B => ST[S,B]) : ST[S,B] =
      flatMap { x => unit(f(x)) }

implicit def unitST[S,A] (x: A): ST[S,A] =
  ST { s0 => (s0, x) }

def init[S]: ST[S,S] =
  ST { s0 => (s0, s0) }

def update[S] (g: S => S): ST[S,Unit] =
  ST { s0 => (g(s0), ()) }
case class ST[S,A](exec: S => (S,A)) {
  def flatMap[B] (f: scala> ST[S,B]): ST[S,B] =
                     A => drawTree(t1,"")
    ST { s0 =>       ______f
                     | _____d
      val (s1, a) = exec(s0)
                     |     _____e
      f(a).exec(s1) |         __c
      }              _____a
                                | __g
    def map[B] (f: A =>     B) __b
          (implicit unit: B => ST[S,B]) : ST[S,B] =
      flatMap { x => unit(f(x)) m }= injectST(t1)
                       scala> val
                       m: ST[Char,Tree[Char]] = ST(<function1>)
                          scala> val (_,t2) = m.exec('Q')
                          t2: Tree[Char] = ...
implicit def unitST[S,A] (x: A): ST[S,A] =
  ST { s0 => (s0, x) scala> drawTree(t2,"")
def init[S]: ST[S,S] | _____f
                     |      _____d
  ST { s0 => (s0, s0)| }       __e
def update[S] (g: S => S): ST[S,Unit]
                            | __h
  ST { s0 => (g(s0), ()) }  __g


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Here is how you could write this as a for comprehension:for { venue <- lookupVenue("The Dancing Ferret") user <- getLoggedInUser(sessionId) confNo <- reserveTable(venue, user)} yield confNoThis translates each operation to a flatMap, sequencing the computations so that if any operation returns None, the whole computation short-circuits without evaluating the remaining steps.So monads like Option allow modeling failure/exceptions in a composable way. Monad laws:Left identity: unit(x).flatMap(f) == f(x)Right identity: m.flatMap(unit) == m

  • 1. Monadologie — professional help for type anxiety Christopher League 12 July 2010
  • 2. Monadologie — @chrisleague
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 7. “Java might be the vehicle Principles of that will help us carry Programming modern programming language innovations Languages into industrial practice.” – me January 1997 § Paris
  • 9. Monadologie continuations monads existentials variance effects
  • 10. Monadologie continuations – control flow monads – data flow
  • 11.
  • 12.
  • 15. def plus [A] (x: Int, y: Int, k: Int=>A): A = k(x+y) def times [A] (x: Int, y: Int, k: Int=>A): A = k(x*y) def less [A] (x: Int, y: Int, kt: => A, kf: => A): A = if(x < y) kt else kf
  • 16. def factorial [A] (n: Int, k: Int => A): A = less(n, 2, k(1), plus(n, -1, (m:Int) => factorial(m, (f:Int) => times(n, f, k)))) scala> factorial(5, println) 120 scala> factorial(3, factorial(_, println)) 720 scala> val n = factorial(3, r => r) n: Int = 6
  • 18. class Regex case class Literal(s: String) extends Regex case class Concat(r1: Regex, r2: Regex) extends Regex case class Choice(r1: Regex, r2: Regex) extends Regex case class Star(r: Regex) extends Regex Concat(Star(Literal("ab")), Literal("abc")) // (ab*)abc matches abababc Choice(Star(Literal("ab")), Concat(Literal("a"), Star(Literal("ba")))) // (ab)*|a(ba)* matches abababa
  • 19. def accept (regex: Regex, chars: Seq[Char], k: Seq[Char] => Boolean): Boolean = regex match { case Literal(expect) => if(chars.take(expect.length).sameElements(expect)) k(chars.drop(expect.length)) else false case Concat(regex1, regex2) => accept(regex1, chars, remaining => accept(regex2, remaining, k)) case Choice(regex1, regex2) => accept(regex1, chars, k) || accept(regex2, chars, k) case Star(repeatable) => k(chars) || accept(repeatable, chars, remaining => accept(regex, remaining, k)) }
  • 20. def accept (regex: Regex, chars: Seq[Char], k: Seq[Char] => Boolean): Boolean = ... def complete (remaining: Seq[Char]): Boolean = remaining.length == 0 accept(regex1, "abababc", complete) // true accept(regex2, "abababa", complete) // true accept(regex1, "abababcd", complete) // false
  • 22. Delimited Continuations shift & reset
  • 23. def doSomething0 = reset { println("Ready?") val result = 1 + special * 3 println(result) } Punch a hole in your code. What type of value is expected in the hole? What happens after the hole? What is result type of the reset block?
  • 24. def doSomething0 = reset { println("Ready?") val result = 1 + special * 3 println(result) } Think of the rest of the computation as a function with the hole as its parameter. Call it the continuation.
  • 25. def doSomething1 = reset { println("Ready?") val result = 1 + special * 3 println(result) } def special = shift { k: (Int => Unit) => println(99) "Gotcha!" shift captures the continuation and } then determines its own future.
  • 26. def doSomething1 = reset { println("Ready?") val result = 1 + special * 3 println(result) } def special = shift { k: (Int => Unit) => println(99) "Gotcha!" shift doSomething1 scala> captures the continuation and } Ready?determines its own future. then 99 res0: java.lang.String = Gotcha!
  • 27. def doSomething2 = reset { println("Ready?") val result = 1 + wacky * 3 println(result) } def wacky = shift { k: (Int => Unit) => k(2) println("Yo!") k(3) }
  • 28. def doSomething2 = reset { println("Ready?") val result = 1 + wacky * 3 println(result) } def wacky = shift { k: (Int => Unit) => k(2) println("Yo!") scala> doSomething2 k(3) Ready? } 7 Yo! 10
  • 29. Continuation low-level control-flow primitive that can implement: exceptions concurrency (actors) suspensions (lazy) …
  • 30. def multi = reset { println("This function returns tentatively") println("but you can always ask for more.") produce(42) println("Didn't like that? Back again.") produce(99) println("Still not OK? I'm out of ideas!") None }
  • 31. def multi = reset { println("This function returns tentatively") println("but you can always ask for more.") produce(42) println("Didn't like that? Back again.") scala> multi produce(99) function returns tentatively This println("Still can alwaysI'm out more. but you not OK? ask for of ideas!") None res0: Option[ReturnThunk[Int]] = Some(...) } scala> println(res0.get.value) 42 scala> res0.get.proceed Didn’t like that? Back again. res1: Option[ReturnThunk[Int]] = Some(...) scala> println(res1.get.value) 99 scala> res1.get.proceed Still not OK? I’m out of ideas! res2: Option[ReturnThunk[Int]] = None
  • 32. def multi = reset { println("This function returns tentatively") println("but you can always ask for more.") produce(42) println("Didn't like that? Back again.") produce(99) println("Still not OK? I'm out of ideas!") None }
  • 33. case class ReturnThunk[A] (value: A, proceed: Unit => Option[ReturnThunk[A]]) def produce [A] (value: A): Unit @cps[Option[ReturnThunk[A]]] = shift { k: (Unit => Option[ReturnThunk[A]]) => Some(ReturnThunk(value, k)) } def multi = reset { println("This function returns tentatively") println("but you can always ask for more.") produce(42) println("Didn't like that? Back again.") produce(99) println("Still not OK? I'm out of ideas!") None }
  • 34. def interact = reset { val first = ask("Please give me a number") val second = ask("Enter another number") printf("The sum of your numbers is: %dn", first + second) }
  • 35. def interact = reset { val first = ask("Please give me a number") val second = ask("Enter another number") printf("The sum of your numbers is: %dn", first + second) } scala> interact Please give me a number respond with: submit(0x28d092b7, ...) scala> submit(0x28d092b7, 14) Enter another number respond with: submit(0x1ddb017b, ...) scala> submit(0x1ddb017b, 28) The sum of your numbers is: 42
  • 36. type UUID = Int def uuidGen: UUID = Random.nextInt type Data = Int val sessions = new HashMap[UUID, Data=>Unit] def ask(prompt: String): Data @cps[Unit] = shift { k: (Data => Unit) => { val id = uuidGen printf("%snrespond with: submit(0x%x, ...)n", prompt, id) sessions += id -> k } } def submit(id: UUID, data: Data) = sessions(id)(data) def interact = reset { val first = ask("Please give me a number") val second = ask("Enter another number") printf("The sum of your numbers is: %dn", first + second) }
  • 38. def harmful = reset { var i = 0 println("Hello world!") label("loop") println(i) i = i + 1 if(i < 20) goto("loop") println("Done.") }
  • 39. def harmful = reset { var i = 0 println("Hello world!") Hello world! label("loop") 0 println(i) 1 i = i + 1 2 . if(i < 20) goto("loop") . println("Done.") . } 18 19 Done.
  • 40. def harmful = reset { var i = 0 println("Hello world!") label("loop") println(i) i = i + 1 if(i < 20) goto("loop") println("Done.") }
  • 41. val labelMap = new HashMap[String, Unit=>Unit] def label(name:String) = shift { k:(Unit=>Unit) => labelMap += name -> k k() } def goto(name:String) = shift { k:(Unit=>Unit) => labelMap(name)() } def harmful = reset { var i = 0 println("Hello world!") label("loop") println(i) i = i + 1 if(i < 20) goto("loop") println("Done.") }
  • 42. Monads the leading design pattern for functional programming
  • 43. A type constructor M is a monad if it supports these operations: def unit[A] (x: A): M[A] def flatMap[A,B] (m: M[A]) (f: A => M[B]): M[B] def map[A,B] (m: M[A]) (f: A => B): M[B] = flatMap(m){ x => unit(f(x)) } def andThen[A,B] (ma: M[A]) (mb: M[B]): M[B] = flatMap(ma){ x => mb }
  • 44. Option is a monad. def unit[A] (x: A): Option[A] = Some(x) def flatMap[A,B](m:Option[A])(f:A =>Option[B]): Option[B] = m match { case None => None case Some(x) => f(x) }
  • 45. List is a monad. def unit[A] (x: A): List[A] = List(x) def flatMap[A,B](m:List[A])(f:A =>List[B]): List[B] = m match { case Nil => Nil case x::xs => f(x) ::: flatMap(xs)(f) }
  • 46. For comprehension: convenient syntax for monadic structures. for(i <- 1 to 4; j <- 1 to i; k <- 1 to j) yield { i*j*k } Compiler translates it to: (1 to 4).flatMap { i => (1 to i).flatMap { j => (1 to j).map { k => i*j*k }}}
  • 47. Example: a series of operations, where each may fail. lookupVenue: String => Option[Venue] getLoggedInUser: SessionID => Option[User] reserveTable: (Venue, User) => Option[ConfNo]
  • 48. Example: a series of operations, where each may fail. lookupVenue: String => Option[Venue] getLoggedInUser: SessionID => Option[User] reserveTable: (Venue, User) => Option[ConfNo] val user = getLoggedInUser(session) val confirm = if(!user.isDefined) { None } else lookupVenue(name) match { case None => None case Some(venue) => { val confno = reserveTable(venue, user.get) if(confno.isDefined) mailTo(confno.get, user.get) confno } }
  • 49. Example: a series of operations, where each may fail. lookupVenue: String => Option[Venue] getLoggedInUser: SessionID => Option[User] reserveTable: (Venue, User) => Option[ConfNo] val user = getLoggedInUser(session) val confirm = if(!user.isDefined) { None } else lookupVenue(name) match { case None => None case Some(venue) => { val confno = reserveTable(venue, user.get) if(confno.isDefined) mailTo(confno.get, user.get) confno } }
  • 50. Example: a series of operations, where each may fail. lookupVenue: String => Option[Venue] getLoggedInUser: SessionID => Option[User] reserveTable: (Venue, User) => Option[ConfNo] val confirm = for(venue <- lookupVenue(name); user <- getLoggedInUser(session); confno <- reserveTable(venue, user)) yield { mailTo(confno, user) confno }
  • 51. Example from Lift form validation: def addUser(): Box[UserInfo] = for { firstname <- S.param("firstname") ?~ "firstname parameter missing" ~> 400 lastname <- S.param("lastname") ?~ "lastname parameter missing" email <- S.param("email") ?~ "email parameter missing" } yield { val u = User.create.firstName(firstname). lastName(lastname).email(email) S.param("password") foreach u.password.set u.saveMe }
  • 52. Example: use monad to pass around state behind the scenes class Tree[A] case class Leaf[A](elem: A) extends Tree[A] case class Branch[A](left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A] inject(‘Q’, ) => f a Q c d b f g e c h g d e a h
  • 53. def inject[A] (root: Tree[A], cur: A): (Tree[A], A) = root match { case Leaf(old) => (Leaf(cur), old) case Branch(left, right) => val (t1, last1) = inject(left, cur) val (t2, last2) = inject(right, last1) (Branch(t1,t2), last2) }
  • 54. def inject[A] (root: Tree[A], cur: A): (Tree[A], A) = root match { case Leaf(old) => (Leaf(cur), old) case Branch(left, right) => val (t1, last1) = inject(left, cur) val (t2, last2) = inject(right, last1) (Branch(t1,t2), last2) } def injectST[A] (root: Tree[A]): ST[A, Tree[A]] = root match { case Leaf(old) => for(cur <- init[A]; u <- update[A](_ => old)) yield Leaf(cur) case Branch(left, right) => for(t1 <- injectST(left); t2 <- injectST(right)) yield Branch(t1,t2) }
  • 55. case class ST[S,A](exec: S => (S,A)) { def flatMap[B] (f: A => ST[S,B]): ST[S,B] = ST { s0 => val (s1, a) = exec(s0) f(a).exec(s1) } def map[B] (f: A => B) (implicit unit: B => ST[S,B]) : ST[S,B] = flatMap { x => unit(f(x)) } } implicit def unitST[S,A] (x: A): ST[S,A] = ST { s0 => (s0, x) } def init[S]: ST[S,S] = ST { s0 => (s0, s0) } def update[S] (g: S => S): ST[S,Unit] = ST { s0 => (g(s0), ()) }
  • 56. case class ST[S,A](exec: S => (S,A)) { def flatMap[B] (f: scala> ST[S,B]): ST[S,B] = A => drawTree(t1,"") ST { s0 => ______f | _____d val (s1, a) = exec(s0) | _____e f(a).exec(s1) | __c } _____a ________h | __g def map[B] (f: A => B) __b (implicit unit: B => ST[S,B]) : ST[S,B] = flatMap { x => unit(f(x)) m }= injectST(t1) scala> val m: ST[Char,Tree[Char]] = ST(<function1>) } scala> val (_,t2) = m.exec('Q') t2: Tree[Char] = ... implicit def unitST[S,A] (x: A): ST[S,A] = ST { s0 => (s0, x) scala> drawTree(t2,"") } ______Q def init[S]: ST[S,S] | _____f = | _____d ST { s0 => (s0, s0)| } __e _____c ________a def update[S] (g: S => S): ST[S,Unit] | __h = ST { s0 => (g(s0), ()) } __g
  • 57.
  • 58. Monadologie @chrisleague