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Collective efforts to manage
     cultural landscapes
     - Examples from Europe -

                       Katrin Prager
                   ACES Seminar Series 21-1-2011

Why investigate collaborative groups?

 Defining and working towards sustainable landscape

 Coordination, contiguous management

 A group can achieve more than individuals on their own
    How to evaluate? Who evaluates?

    If worthwhile – how support?

    Continuity?
 LandscapePartners project
 Collaborative, community-based natural resource
  management in Australia (Landcare)
 desk-based review, telephone inquiries, key informant
Approach/ theory
 Resilience theory
Resilience Theory
 System dynamics, social-ecological systems

 Resilience = the ability of a system to absorb disturbances and
  to reorganise while undergoing change so as to still retain the
  same structure and function (Holling, Gunderson, Folke, Walker)

 One of three responses to disturbance (adaption,
                                           state     communities
                        Social system(s)
                                           groups      economy
                                               Social-ecological system
Resilience Theory
 Role of social subsystems in social-ecological systems

  disturbance         Local/regional
                                              Landscape         change

     Habitat management activities, marketing of local foods
     Horizontal/ vertical coordination between land managers/
     Lower transaction costs for policy implementation
Collaborative groups
 Focus on cultural landscapes (several components and

 Groups with stakeholders from diverse sectors

 Local or regional level (district, county)

     DE – Landschaftspflegeverbände (LPV)

     UK – Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG)

     AU – Distelverein
     NL – Environmental cooperatives (EC)
Characteristics of groups I
           First      Structure      No of groups    No of         Area size      Staff
           group in                  in 2009         people
Dutch EC 1992         Individual     125 number      10,000        500 ha –       Not
                      groups and     has increased   members       3500 ha        available
German     1986       independent    Approx. 150,    20,000        District       About 2 per
LPV                   groups and     number has      farmers       (approx.       district =
                      umbrella       increased       under         1.500 to       approx. 290
                      organisation                   contract      7.500 km²)
Austrian   1987       Single group   1, disbanded at Contracting   Lower        6 (prior to
Distel-               without sub-   the end of      farmers       Austria      2009)
verein                groups         2009                          (19.177 km²)
FWAG       1969/      Headquarters   40 in ENG/      10,000        Teams          130 in total,
(UK)       1984       and teams      WAL,            members       covering 1-3   22 in
                                     disbanded in                  counties       Scotland
                                     SCO in 2009                                  (2009)
Characteristics of groups II
           Main sector          Other sectors involved Focus                    Volunteers

Dutch EC   Emphasis on farmers Administration             Integrate nature      Less important
           (approx. 75%                                   management into
           overall)                                       farming

German     Emphasis on parity   Hunting, tourism,         Landscape and         important
LPV        of conservation,     fisheries, marketing      habitat management,
           farming, community   initiatives               sustainable rural
           councils                                       development

Austrian   Parity between       Communities               Maintain biodiversity Very important
Distel-    conservation,                                  in agricultural
verein     farming, hunting                               landscapes

FWAG       Farming              Industry/ commercial      1-1 advice for        Very important,
(UK)                            partners, environmental   farmers and           over 1000
                                groups and societies      landowners on agri-
                                                          environment issues
 Current situation
    DE and NL: number of groups stable or increasing

    UK: FWAG Scotland dissolved but other branches active

    AU: group dissolved, no replacement

 Networks continue but less formalised; dispersed and very
  localised efforts
Reasons for lack of resilience of social subsystems
     financial difficulties
     lack of member/partner support
     groups no longer needed
     lack of organisational support structure

Implications for resilience of social-ecological system
     Undesirable changes
     Decreased adaptive capacity
     Decreased sustainability
Thank you !

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