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A Brief Introduction to Scala
         for Java Developers

           Miles Sabin, Chuusai Ltd.
    Object-Oriented Features
    Functional Features
    Selected Highlights
    Tools and Frameworks
    Designed by Martin Odersky (Pizza, GJ and
    Java 5) of EPFL as the successor to Funnel
        Blend object-oriented and functional styles
        Seamless interoperability with Java (and .Net?)
    Project started in 2003
        First public release in 2004
        Currently at 2.7.7
        2.8 release due very soon
Scala is the Future of Java
    Scala can be thought of as a superset of
    current Java
        It has all the object-oriented features of
        current Java (some in a slightly different and
        improved form)
        It already has many of the most desirable
        proposed extensions to Java (eg. true closures)
    Nevertheless, it compiles to Java bytecode
        Flawless interopability with Java, leverages the
        mature Hotspot JIT
Interoperbility with Java
    There are many alternative JVM languages.
    Some also strongly “Java-compatible”
        Close source and binary mapping to Java
        –   Scala, Groovy, JavaFX, AspectJ
    This holds out the prospect that most Java
    tools, libraries and frameworks will Just
    Work, or work with only minor adaptation
    Additional promise of gradual migration of
    existing Java projects
Who's Using It?
    A rapidly growing list of companies and
        Twitter (infrastructure)
        LinkedIn (analytics, infrastructure)
        EDF Trading (analytics, infrastructure)
        Sony Pictures Imageworks (infrastructure)
        SAP/Siemens (ESME, enterprise messaging)
        Novell (Pulse, enterprise messaging)
Why Mix OO and FP?
    Each has complementary strengths —
        OO provides excellent support for,
        –   Subtyping and inheritance
        –   Modular components
        –   Classes as partial abstractions
        FP provides excellent support for,
        –   Higher order functions
        –   ADTs, structural recursion and pattern matching
        –   Parametric polymorphism
    They've been converging for a while now
Scala has a REPL
    Common in scripting and functional
    Great for exploratory programming
    We'll be using it as we go along
Scala Cleans Up Java Syntax
    Semi-colons are optional, equals is ==
    All statements are expressions and have a
    Type inference eliminates the most
    annoying explicit typing annotations
    Case-classes have minimal boilerplate
    Closures and by name arguments allow
    libraries to define specialized control
Scala is Object Oriented
    Scala has a uniform object model: no
    primitive types
Scala is Object Oriented
    Operators aren't special, they're methods
    like any other,
      val x = 23
      x + 1 // equivalent to x.+(1)

    Similarly, methods can be invoked in
    operator form,
      val s = "Hello world"
      s length              // equivalent to s.length
      s contains "world"    // equivalent to s.contains("world")
No Statics
    No static fields or methods
    Instead we have first-class "object” entities
    similar to singletons and ML modules
      // Java
      public class User {
        public static newUser(String name, String pass) {
          return new User(name, pass);
        // Non-static methods ...
      // Scala
      object User {
        def apply(name : String, pass : String) =
          new User(name, pass)
      val joe = User("Joe Bloggs", "<secret>")
Vals, Vars and Uniform Access
    Scala makes immutable definitions easy,
      val   s : String =   "Hello immutable world"
      s =   "Bye ..." //   Error
      var   t : String =   "Hello mutable world"
      t =   "Bye ..." //   OK

    (Im)mutable properties can be
    implemented by vals, vars or methods
      class   User {
        val   name : String        // Immutable
        var   email : String       // Mutable
        def   pass : String        // Computed
        def   pass_=(s : String)   //

      user.pass = "<secret>" // Sugar for user.pass_=("<secret>")
Statically Typed with Inference
    All definitions must have a static type
      val m : Map[Int, String]

    However these types are typically inferred
      scala> val m = Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two")
      m : Map[Int, String] = Map(1 -> one, 2 -> two)

    Method return types are also inferred
      scala> def twice(i : Int) = i*2
      twice: (i: Int)Int

    Argument types must be explicit, also the
    return types for recursive functions
Named and Default Arguments
    Arguments can be specified at call sites by
      def coord(x : Double, y : Double)
      coord(y = 1.0, x = 0.7)

    Allows them to be provided naturally for
    the call site, and eliminates ambiguity
    Arguments can also be given default values
      def printList(l : List[Int], sep : String =", ") { ... }

      val l = List(1, 2, 3)
      printList(l) // equivalent to printList(l, ", ")
Case Classes are Lightweight
    Eliminate a lot of the boilerplate associated
    with Java implementations of simple data
      public class User {
        private final String name;
        private final String pass;
        public User(String name_, String pass_) {
          name = name_;
          pass = pass_;
        public boolean equals(Object other) {
          // Stuff ...
        public int hashCode() {
          // More stuff ...
Case Classes are Lightweight
    The Scala equivalent
      case class User(name : String, pass : String)

    Accessors, equals, hashCode and toString
    are provided automatically
    “new” is optional
      val joe = User("Joe Bloggs", "<secret>")

    “Copy with changes” supports immutable
    functional objects
      val joeUpdated = joe.copy(pass = "<still secret>")
Pattern Matching
    Case classes model ADTs from functional
    languages and support pattern matching
      sealed trait Tree[T]
      case class Leaf[T](elem : T) extends Tree[T]
      case class Node[T](left : Tree[T], right : Tree[T])

      val t = Node(Node(Leaf("bar"), Leaf("baz")), Leaf("foo"))

      def find[T](tree : Tree[T], elem : T) : Boolean =
        tree match {
          case Node(l, r)   => find(l, elem) || find(r, elem)
          case Leaf(`elem`) => true
          case _ => false

    Matching is the inverse of construction
The Option Type
    “Null References: The Billion Dollar
    Mistake” — Tony Hoare
    Scala provides a safe alternative
      scala> List(1, 2, 3) find (_ == 2)
      res0: Option[Int] = Some(2)

      scala> List(1, 2, 3) find (_ == 4)
      res0: Option[Int] = None

    Option interacts nicely with matching
      List(1, 2, 3) find (_ == 2) match {
        case Some(i) => println("Found "+i)
        case None => println("Not found")
    Scala has tuple types and literals
      val coord : (Double, Double) = (1.0, 0.5)
      println("x = "+coord._1+", y ="+coord._2)

    These are first-class types like any other
      val coords = new ListBuffer[(Double, Double)]
      coords += coord

    Provide ad hoc grouping and multiple
    return values
      def firstWord(s : String) = {
        val i = s+" " indexOf ' '
        (s.substring(0, i), s.substring(i, s.length))
      val (first, rest) = firstWord("The quick brown fox ...")
Mixin Composition
    Java interfaces are replaced by traits and
    mixin composition
        Traits can provide method implementations
        Traits can provide fields
        trait   UserId {
          val   name : String
          var   pass : String = "change me"
          def   display = name+":"+pass
        class   User(val name : String) extends UserId

        val joe = new User("Joe Bloggs")
Mixin Composition
    Traits support multiple inheritance whilst
    avoiding the problems of “diamond”
      trait Email {
        val address : String
        def send(message : String {
          // Concrete implementation
      class User(val name : String, val address : String)
        extends UserId with Email

      val joe = new User("Joe Bloggs", "")
      joe.send("Don't forget to change your password!")
Laziness and By-Name Args
    Values can be declared to be initialized
      val (title, givenName, surname) = ("Mr.", "John", "Smith")
      lazy val fullName = title+" "+givenName+" "+surname

    The value is computed the first time it is
    used (if at all)
      val displayName = if (full) fullName else givenName

    Can be used to create circular structures
      abstract class   Link { val next : Link }
      val (a : Link,   b : Link) =
         (new Link {   lazy val next = b },
          new Link {   lazy val next = a })
Laziness and By-Name Args
    Arguments can be passed by name
        Similar to laziness in that evaluation is deferred
        until use
        Can be used to build specialized control
        structures and enables internal DSLs
          def locked[T](l : Lock)(op : => T) = {
            try { op } finally { l.unlock }
          val lock = new ReentrantLock
          var shared = ...
          locked(lock) {
            /* Use shared while holding lock */
Structural Typing
    Scala has a form of statically checkable
    We can use this to generalize libraries to
    pre-existing types
      type Closeable = { def close() }

      def using[R <: Closeable, T](res : R)(op : R => T) =
        try { op(res) } finally { res.close() }

      val b = using(new FileInputStream("test.txt")) { }
    Implicit functions provide a way to attach
    new behaviours to exisiting types
    Invoked automatically if needed to satisfy
    the typechecker
      trait Closeable { def close : Unit }

      def using[R <% Closeable, T](res : R)(op : R => T) =
        try { op(res) } finally { res.close() }

      implicit def InputStreamIsCloseable(is : InputStream) =
        new Closeable { def close = in.close }

      val b = using(new FileInputStream("test.txt")) { }
First-Class Functions
    Scala allows the definition of functions
    def plusOne(x : Int) = x+1

    Functions can be arguments and results
    def applyTwice(x : Int, f : Int => Int) = f(f(x))
    applyTwice(3, plusOne) // == 5

    Can be anonymous and close over their
    def twice(f : Int => Int) = (x : Int) => f(f(x))
    twice(plusOne)(3) // == 5

    Function literal syntax is concise
    twice(_+1)(3) // == 5
Higher-Order Functions
    Higher-order functions are used
    extensively in Scala's standard library
    List(1, 2, 3).map(_*2) // == List(2, 4, 6)

    List(1, 2, 3, 4).find(_%2 == 0) // Some(2)

    List(1, 2, 3, 4).filter(_%2 == 0) // List(2, 4)

    def recip(x : Int) = if(x == 0) None else Some(1.0/x)

    scala> List(0, 1, 2, 3).flatMap(recip)
    res0: List[Int] = List(1.0, 0.5, 0.3333333333333333)
For Comprehensions
    Scala's “for comprehensions” capture
    common patterns of use of map, flatMap
    and filter
      val l1 = List(0, 1)
      val l2 = List(2, 3)

      scala> for (x <- l1; y <- l2) yield (x, y)
      res0: List[(Int, Int)] = List((0,2), (0,3), (1,2), (1,3))

    The for expression desugars to,
      l.flatMap(x => => (x, y))

    These patterns are the monad laws for the
    subject type
For Comprehensions
    Option implements map, flatMap and Filter
    so works nicely with for comprehensions
      def goodPair(x : Int, y : Int) =
        for(fst <- recip(x); snd <- recip(y))
          yield (x, y)

      scala> goodPair(1, 2)
      res0: Option[(Int, Int)] = Some((1,2))

      scala> goodPair(1, 0)
      res0: Option[(Int, Int)] = None

    Using Option rather than null has clear
    benefits when used in this way
Language-Level XML Support
    Scala has language level support for XML
    via XML literals, XPath and pattern
    val book =
        <author>Martin Odersky</author>
        <title>Programming in Scala</title>

    val title = book  “title” text // == “Programming in ... “

    for (elem <- book.child) elem match {
      case <author>{name}</author> => println(name)
      case _ =>
    } // Prints “Martin Odersky”
Actor-based Concurrency
    Scala has library level support for actor-
    based, message-passing concurrency
        An embarrassment of riches —
        –   scala.actors
        –   Lift actors
        –   Akka
    Not obligatory, these are all libraries, and
    all the traditional Java approaches to
    concurrency are available
Tools and Frameworks
    Most Java tools and frameworks work with
    Scala Out Of The Box
    Testing frameworks —
        Specs, ScalaTest, ScalaCheck
    Web frameworks —
        Wicket and Play recently added Scala support
    IDE support — the big three (Eclipse,
    Netbeans, IDEA) all actively developed
    Upcoming releases,
        Beta of 2.8 now available
        First 2.8 Release Candidate expected in March
        2.8 Final expected June/July
    Subsequent 2.8-series releases will
    continue current exploratory work,
        Type specialization (still needs library support)
        Continuations (currently a compiler plugin)
        Linear/immutable/non-null types
Find Out More
    Scala's home at EPFL
        See also the scala and scala-user mailing list
    The London Scala Users' Group
        Programming in Scala
        Odersky, Venners and Spoon
        Programming in Scala
        Wampler and Payne
A Brief Introduction to Scala
         for Java Developers

           Miles Sabin, Chuusai Ltd.

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  • 1. A Brief Introduction to Scala for Java Developers Miles Sabin, Chuusai Ltd.
  • 2. Outline ● Background ● Object-Oriented Features ● Functional Features ● Selected Highlights ● Tools and Frameworks ● Roadmap
  • 3. Background ● Designed by Martin Odersky (Pizza, GJ and Java 5) of EPFL as the successor to Funnel ● Objectives, ● Blend object-oriented and functional styles ● Seamless interoperability with Java (and .Net?) ● Project started in 2003 ● First public release in 2004 ● Currently at 2.7.7 ● 2.8 release due very soon
  • 4. Scala is the Future of Java ● Scala can be thought of as a superset of current Java ● It has all the object-oriented features of current Java (some in a slightly different and improved form) ● It already has many of the most desirable proposed extensions to Java (eg. true closures) ● Nevertheless, it compiles to Java bytecode ● Flawless interopability with Java, leverages the mature Hotspot JIT
  • 5. Interoperbility with Java ● There are many alternative JVM languages. Some also strongly “Java-compatible” ● Close source and binary mapping to Java – Scala, Groovy, JavaFX, AspectJ ● This holds out the prospect that most Java tools, libraries and frameworks will Just Work, or work with only minor adaptation ● Additional promise of gradual migration of existing Java projects
  • 6. Who's Using It? ● A rapidly growing list of companies and projects, ● Twitter (infrastructure) ● LinkedIn (analytics, infrastructure) ● EDF Trading (analytics, infrastructure) ● Sony Pictures Imageworks (infrastructure) ● SAP/Siemens (ESME, enterprise messaging) ● Novell (Pulse, enterprise messaging)
  • 7. Why Mix OO and FP? ● Each has complementary strengths — ● OO provides excellent support for, – Subtyping and inheritance – Modular components – Classes as partial abstractions ● FP provides excellent support for, – Higher order functions – ADTs, structural recursion and pattern matching – Parametric polymorphism ● They've been converging for a while now
  • 8. Scala has a REPL ● Common in scripting and functional languages ● Great for exploratory programming ● We'll be using it as we go along
  • 9. Scala Cleans Up Java Syntax ● Semi-colons are optional, equals is == ● All statements are expressions and have a value ● Type inference eliminates the most annoying explicit typing annotations ● Case-classes have minimal boilerplate ● Closures and by name arguments allow libraries to define specialized control structures
  • 10. Scala is Object Oriented ● Scala has a uniform object model: no primitive types
  • 11. Scala is Object Oriented ● Operators aren't special, they're methods like any other, val x = 23 x + 1 // equivalent to x.+(1) ● Similarly, methods can be invoked in operator form, val s = "Hello world" s length // equivalent to s.length s contains "world" // equivalent to s.contains("world")
  • 12. No Statics ● No static fields or methods ● Instead we have first-class "object” entities similar to singletons and ML modules // Java public class User { public static newUser(String name, String pass) { return new User(name, pass); } // Non-static methods ... } // Scala object User { def apply(name : String, pass : String) = new User(name, pass) } val joe = User("Joe Bloggs", "<secret>")
  • 13. Vals, Vars and Uniform Access ● Scala makes immutable definitions easy, val s : String = "Hello immutable world" s = "Bye ..." // Error var t : String = "Hello mutable world" t = "Bye ..." // OK ● (Im)mutable properties can be implemented by vals, vars or methods class User { val name : String // Immutable var email : String // Mutable def pass : String // Computed def pass_=(s : String) // } user.pass = "<secret>" // Sugar for user.pass_=("<secret>")
  • 14. Statically Typed with Inference ● All definitions must have a static type val m : Map[Int, String] ● However these types are typically inferred scala> val m = Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two") m : Map[Int, String] = Map(1 -> one, 2 -> two) ● Method return types are also inferred scala> def twice(i : Int) = i*2 twice: (i: Int)Int Argument types must be explicit, also the return types for recursive functions
  • 15. Named and Default Arguments ● Arguments can be specified at call sites by name def coord(x : Double, y : Double) coord(y = 1.0, x = 0.7) Allows them to be provided naturally for the call site, and eliminates ambiguity ● Arguments can also be given default values def printList(l : List[Int], sep : String =", ") { ... } val l = List(1, 2, 3) printList(l) // equivalent to printList(l, ", ")
  • 16. Case Classes are Lightweight ● Eliminate a lot of the boilerplate associated with Java implementations of simple data types public class User { private final String name; private final String pass; public User(String name_, String pass_) { name = name_; pass = pass_; } public boolean equals(Object other) { // Stuff ... } public int hashCode() { // More stuff ... } }
  • 17. Case Classes are Lightweight ● The Scala equivalent case class User(name : String, pass : String) ● Accessors, equals, hashCode and toString are provided automatically ● “new” is optional val joe = User("Joe Bloggs", "<secret>") ● “Copy with changes” supports immutable functional objects val joeUpdated = joe.copy(pass = "<still secret>")
  • 18. Pattern Matching ● Case classes model ADTs from functional languages and support pattern matching sealed trait Tree[T] case class Leaf[T](elem : T) extends Tree[T] case class Node[T](left : Tree[T], right : Tree[T]) val t = Node(Node(Leaf("bar"), Leaf("baz")), Leaf("foo")) def find[T](tree : Tree[T], elem : T) : Boolean = tree match { case Node(l, r) => find(l, elem) || find(r, elem) case Leaf(`elem`) => true case _ => false } ● Matching is the inverse of construction
  • 19. The Option Type ● “Null References: The Billion Dollar Mistake” — Tony Hoare ● Scala provides a safe alternative scala> List(1, 2, 3) find (_ == 2) res0: Option[Int] = Some(2) scala> List(1, 2, 3) find (_ == 4) res0: Option[Int] = None ● Option interacts nicely with matching List(1, 2, 3) find (_ == 2) match { case Some(i) => println("Found "+i) case None => println("Not found") }
  • 20. Tuples ● Scala has tuple types and literals val coord : (Double, Double) = (1.0, 0.5) println("x = "+coord._1+", y ="+coord._2) ● These are first-class types like any other val coords = new ListBuffer[(Double, Double)] coords += coord ● Provide ad hoc grouping and multiple return values def firstWord(s : String) = { val i = s+" " indexOf ' ' (s.substring(0, i), s.substring(i, s.length)) } val (first, rest) = firstWord("The quick brown fox ...")
  • 21. Mixin Composition ● Java interfaces are replaced by traits and mixin composition ● Traits can provide method implementations ● Traits can provide fields trait UserId { val name : String var pass : String = "change me" def display = name+":"+pass } class User(val name : String) extends UserId val joe = new User("Joe Bloggs") println(joe.display)
  • 22. Mixin Composition ● Traits support multiple inheritance whilst avoiding the problems of “diamond” inheritance trait Email { val address : String def send(message : String { // Concrete implementation } } class User(val name : String, val address : String) extends UserId with Email val joe = new User("Joe Bloggs", "") println(joe.display) joe.send("Don't forget to change your password!")
  • 23. Laziness and By-Name Args ● Values can be declared to be initialized lazily val (title, givenName, surname) = ("Mr.", "John", "Smith") lazy val fullName = title+" "+givenName+" "+surname The value is computed the first time it is used (if at all) val displayName = if (full) fullName else givenName ● Can be used to create circular structures abstract class Link { val next : Link } val (a : Link, b : Link) = (new Link { lazy val next = b }, new Link { lazy val next = a })
  • 24. Laziness and By-Name Args ● Arguments can be passed by name ● Similar to laziness in that evaluation is deferred until use ● Can be used to build specialized control structures and enables internal DSLs def locked[T](l : Lock)(op : => T) = { l.lock try { op } finally { l.unlock } } val lock = new ReentrantLock var shared = ... locked(lock) { /* Use shared while holding lock */ }
  • 25. Structural Typing ● Scala has a form of statically checkable duck-typing ● We can use this to generalize libraries to pre-existing types type Closeable = { def close() } def using[R <: Closeable, T](res : R)(op : R => T) = try { op(res) } finally { res.close() } val b = using(new FileInputStream("test.txt")) { }
  • 26. Implicits ● Implicit functions provide a way to attach new behaviours to exisiting types ● Invoked automatically if needed to satisfy the typechecker trait Closeable { def close : Unit } def using[R <% Closeable, T](res : R)(op : R => T) = try { op(res) } finally { res.close() } implicit def InputStreamIsCloseable(is : InputStream) = new Closeable { def close = in.close } val b = using(new FileInputStream("test.txt")) { }
  • 27. First-Class Functions ● Scala allows the definition of functions def plusOne(x : Int) = x+1 ● Functions can be arguments and results def applyTwice(x : Int, f : Int => Int) = f(f(x)) applyTwice(3, plusOne) // == 5 ● Can be anonymous and close over their environment def twice(f : Int => Int) = (x : Int) => f(f(x)) twice(plusOne)(3) // == 5 ● Function literal syntax is concise twice(_+1)(3) // == 5
  • 28. Higher-Order Functions ● Higher-order functions are used extensively in Scala's standard library List(1, 2, 3).map(_*2) // == List(2, 4, 6) List(1, 2, 3, 4).find(_%2 == 0) // Some(2) List(1, 2, 3, 4).filter(_%2 == 0) // List(2, 4) def recip(x : Int) = if(x == 0) None else Some(1.0/x) scala> List(0, 1, 2, 3).flatMap(recip) res0: List[Int] = List(1.0, 0.5, 0.3333333333333333)
  • 29. For Comprehensions ● Scala's “for comprehensions” capture common patterns of use of map, flatMap and filter val l1 = List(0, 1) val l2 = List(2, 3) scala> for (x <- l1; y <- l2) yield (x, y) res0: List[(Int, Int)] = List((0,2), (0,3), (1,2), (1,3)) The for expression desugars to, l.flatMap(x => => (x, y)) ● These patterns are the monad laws for the subject type
  • 30. For Comprehensions ● Option implements map, flatMap and Filter so works nicely with for comprehensions def goodPair(x : Int, y : Int) = for(fst <- recip(x); snd <- recip(y)) yield (x, y) scala> goodPair(1, 2) res0: Option[(Int, Int)] = Some((1,2)) scala> goodPair(1, 0) res0: Option[(Int, Int)] = None ● Using Option rather than null has clear benefits when used in this way
  • 31. Language-Level XML Support ● Scala has language level support for XML via XML literals, XPath and pattern matching, val book = <book> <author>Martin Odersky</author> <title>Programming in Scala</title> </book> val title = book “title” text // == “Programming in ... “ for (elem <- book.child) elem match { case <author>{name}</author> => println(name) case _ => } // Prints “Martin Odersky”
  • 32. Actor-based Concurrency ● Scala has library level support for actor- based, message-passing concurrency ● An embarrassment of riches — – scala.actors – Lift actors – Akka ● Not obligatory, these are all libraries, and all the traditional Java approaches to concurrency are available
  • 33. Tools and Frameworks ● Most Java tools and frameworks work with Scala Out Of The Box ● Testing frameworks — ● Specs, ScalaTest, ScalaCheck ● Web frameworks — ● Lift ● Wicket and Play recently added Scala support ● IDE support — the big three (Eclipse, Netbeans, IDEA) all actively developed
  • 34. Roadmap ● Upcoming releases, ● Beta of 2.8 now available ● First 2.8 Release Candidate expected in March ● 2.8 Final expected June/July ● Subsequent 2.8-series releases will continue current exploratory work, ● Type specialization (still needs library support) ● Continuations (currently a compiler plugin) ● Linear/immutable/non-null types
  • 35. Find Out More ● Scala's home at EPFL ● See also the scala and scala-user mailing list ● The London Scala Users' Group ● Publications ● Programming in Scala Odersky, Venners and Spoon ● Programming in Scala Wampler and Payne
  • 36. A Brief Introduction to Scala for Java Developers Miles Sabin, Chuusai Ltd.