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Sloan C Millennials, Social Media, and Education: Connecting with Your Students
             ALL ABOUT?

The Millennial
 Who are they?
 What are they like?
 What are they doing?
 How do we engage
The Millennial Generation

The Millennial Researchers agree that
Generation has emerged  the uniqueness of
                        millennials results
as a force that will shape
the social and economic from technological
dynamics of the next that have
decade                  affected this
(Howe & Strauss, 2000).

Millennial Students Characteristics

What do you believe are the characteristics of a millennial?

“Individuals raised with
computers deal with information
differently compared to previous
 cohorts: They develop hypertext
        minds, they leap around.”
                          - Marc Prensky

Characteristics of the Millennials
O Students of the Millennial
  Generation are accustomed

O Learn better through discovery and
  experiential learning rather than by being
O Have the ability to shift their attention rapidly from one
  task to another and may choose not to pay attention to
  things that don’t interest them — attention
O Believe   multitasking is a way of life and
  are comfortable when engaged in multiple
  activities simultaneously
Their learning styles originated
with millennials growing up with


Created social networking…                          75%
    Used wireless internet…                       62%
             Posted video of…         20%
                  Use twitter        14%
  Use a cell phone to text                            88%
Texted in the past 24 hours                          80%
      Texted while driving                        64%
  No landline (cell phone…                  41%
                                0%   20% 40% 60% 80% 100%                                      8

                  Social networking sites: how use has
                                                   71%      75%
   30%                               51%



                                                   Nov-08                                                  9

50% of Americans said they got some news from a Mobile Device                             10
How they “ Tick ”
O Exposed to vast amounts of
  information at a very young age
O Different patterns of
  communications and social
O Ambitious, but with unrealistic
O Well aware of rules, but enjoy the
  challenge of circumventing the rules
“Your goal should not be to discard
social media, but to figure out how
to make it a powerful tool, rather
than a useless distraction.”
                              -Ben Parr

“The qualities that
make Twitter seem
insane and half-baked
are what makes it so
                     - Jonathan Zittrain
        –Harvard Law Professor & Internet Expert

Glossary of Twitter Terms
Tweet. A message sent via Twitter (140
Hashtag. Hashtags allow the community to
easily stream a particular subject by using a
hash in front of the tag. Example: Putting
#iPhone in a tweet about the iPhone.
DM. A Direct Message sent via Twitter only the
recipient can see.
Twittastic. The Twitter version of fantastic.
Dweet. A tweet sent while drunk.
“Why do I want to write only
140 characters at a time?”
                        -Josh Murdock

Variety of Content – News Source – Instant
Information – Promotional Tool – Networking
                                        #SMEDU Chat on Twitter   16

                                        Every WED 12 pm & 9 pm EST
“Academic Excellence in
      140 Characters.”                       Rey Junco

                                             Study showed the
                                             positive effect of
                                             Twitter on college
                                             student engagement
                                             and grades.

“Before long you begin to
realize how much Twitter
helps you inspire others.”
                          -Amanda Kern

“ The principle goal of education
is to create men and women who
are capable of doing new
things, not simply repeating
what other generations have
                           - Jean Piaget

Hotseat at Purdue University

Facebook Stats -
 More than 500 million active users
 50% of our active users log on daily
 Average 130 friends
 People spend over 700 billion minutes per month
 on Facebook
 Average user is connected to 80 community
 pages, groups, and events
 Average user creates 90 pieces of content each
 month                                            21
– Josh Murdock

Connect – Collaborate – Share – Network

My “Like” Pages
“Not being on Facebook is like
 not having a TV or not owning a
 cell phone. You can avoid it, but
 you’ll really miss out. ” – Lisa Macon

My “Like” Page
Facebook Groups in Education
   The Advantage of Facebook Group in Education by Nate Green

“Instead of asking students to
 stop using it, embrace
 Facebook as a learning &
 communication tool.”                – Amanda Kern                   25
Twitter: @professorjosh


 Mashable’s The Facebook Guide Book
 Facebook Privacy: 10 Settings Every User Needs to Know
 How to protect your Facebook Timeline privacy -
 Facebook Privacy Help Topic
 Facebook Pages vs. Groups
   Professor Josh


   Mashable’s The Twitter Guide Book
   The Ultimate Guide to Using Twitter in Education
   What’s a Twitter Chat?
   How to Run a Successful Twitter Chat
   Professor Josh

 Delicious Help
 7 Things You Should Know About Social Bookmarking
 Social Bookmarking in Plain English
 Professor Josh

       Various Social Media Tools
•   Hootsuite: (Social Media Dashboard, great for multiple
    accounts & advance setting posting)
•   TweetDeck: (Desktop & Mobile App. Another Social
    Media Dashboard)
•   Google+: (Latest Social Networking via Google)
•   Dragontape: (Cutting & Mixing YouTube videos)
•   Muuter (Mute a term or user from your twitter timeline)

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Sloan C Millennials, Social Media, and Education: Connecting with Your Students

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Josh & Lisa
  • #3: JoshThe Millennial Generation has emerged as a force that will shape the social and economic dynamics of the next decade (Howe & Strauss, 2000).The definition of when millennials were born varies, with estimates ranging from 1977 (Tapscott, 1998) to 1982 (Howe & Strauss, 2000).Researchers agree that the uniqueness of millennials results from technological forces that have affected this generation.Unique millennial competency is the ability to effectively use broadly networked digital communication technologies to quickly and seamlessly accomplish a variety of tasks.This competency has resulted from their experiences with Internet communities (Gorman, Nelson, & Glassman, 2004).
  • #4: LisaThe Millennial Generation has emerged as a force that will shape the social and economic dynamics of the next decade (Howe & Strauss, 2000).The definition of when millennials were born varies, with estimates ranging from 1977 (Tapscott, 1998) to 1982 (Howe & Strauss, 2000).Researchers agree that the uniqueness of millennials results from technological forces that have affected this generation.Unique millennial competency is the ability to effectively use broadly networked digital communication technologies to quickly and seamlessly accomplish a variety of tasks.This competency has resulted from their experiences with Internet communities (Gorman, Nelson, & Glassman, 2004).
  • #5: JoshRelatively ShelteredGrew up among “kid safety rules”: school lockdowns, national youth safety movementsMore conventional than Gen-XersHigh level confidence / self importanceTeam OrientedClose with ParentsTechnology Savvy
  • #6: Lisa
  • #7: JoshMillennialsto using keyboards rather than pens or pencilsto reading information from computer screens or mobile devices rather than from printed textsto being connected with friends in digital environments learn better through discovery and experiential learning rather than by being toldhave the ability to shift their attention rapidly from one task to another and may choose not to pay attention to things that don’t interest them — attentional deploymentbelieve multitasking is a way of life and are comfortable when engaged in multiple activities simultaneouslybelieve staying connected is essential and they want a fast response time (Howe & Strauss, 2000)
  • #8: Josh on his 1stComputer & A Magazine is an iPad that Doesn’t Work for a 1 year old
  • #9: Josh
  • #10: Josh
  • #11: Josh
  • #12: LisaMost have never known a life without computers and the InternetConsider computers a part of lifeConnect to information Communicate in real-timeHave social networkingHave been raised in the presence of video and computer gamesStudents in their 20s may have had more experience with games than with reading (Oblinger,2004).
  • #13: Josh
  • #14: Josh
  • #15: Josh
  • #17: Josh
  • #18: JoshAcademic Excellence in 140 Characters 2 minutes only!
  • #21: Hotseat, a social networking-powered mobile Web application, creates a collaborative classroom, allowing students to provide near real-time feedback during class and enabling professors to adjust the course content and improve the learning experience. Students can post messages to Hotseat using their Facebook or Twitter accounts, sending text messages, or logging in to the Hotseat Web site.
  • #25: HW Forums:The real beauty of this forum however, is that this model for homework promotes collaboration. Instead of grading homework assignments that are all the same, I have the students build answers to questions by adding off each other and questioning each other. Not only does this prepare a perfect study guide come test time, but it promotes academic discussion outside of the classroom. Some students are stronger in discussion when that discussion unfolds behind a computer screen with more time to analyze and articulate their thoughts in writing.Links & VideosFurthermore, I can also post links, videos, articles, pictures and documents to use in my course. Some of the students were so taken by our discussion of the events in Egypt that they posted news articles, links, and one student even posted a link of a protestor getting shot! This sharing of educational links has changed the way my students look at the facebook.
  • #27: Questions??