Value Stream Mapping in Office & Service SetttingsTKMG, Inc.
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This webinar covers the subtle differences between manufacturing-style value stream maps and those in office and service settings.
Contact us if you'd like an in-house workshop or external facilitation for a real-time mapping session.
These are the slides for the webinar delivered on 8-9-2016. The recording is available at
Over the 16 years that we've been providing support to organizations at nearly every stage of the Lean journey, leadership has consistently emerged as the single most important determinant of success. Those organizations with deep leadership engagement soar, while those who don't fail to experience significant transformation.
In this first of three webinars, Karen shares the perspective and content that she and her team use when working with executives and senior leadership teams within the firm's clients.
She review the system of Lean principles, management practices, and tools, and then focuses on 6 of the topics leaders most commonly misunderstand or are unaware of:
1. Three of the core values that underlie Lean management
2. Key performance indicators
3. Visual management
4. Work standardization
5. Go and see (Gemba) management
6. The one environmental "don't" that destroys all Lean effort
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This document discusses daily work management (DWM) and how it can be used to improve continuous improvement efforts like kaizen. It explains that DWM involves establishing managing points and checking points to monitor daily work. This provides visibility into operations and allows for timely course corrections. The document provides examples of managing and checking point tables and emphasizes that DWM should be integrated into daily work rather than seen as a separate activity. Regular reviews of metrics and goal-setting are presented as important aspects of effective DWM.
The document discusses the cost of poor quality (COPQ), which allows managers to quantify the financial impact of quality issues in terms that senior leaders understand. It defines COPQ categories like prevention, appraisal, internal failure, external failure, and provides examples of costs that fall under each category. Tracking COPQ provides benefits like prioritizing problems, measuring improvements, and incentivizing doing work right the first time.
Lean Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that relies on a collaborative team effort to improve performance by systematically removing waste, combining Lean and Six Sigma to eliminate the eight kinds of waste
Lean Six Sigma projects comprise aspects of Lean's waste elimination and the Six Sigma focus on reducing defects
The document outlines the Digital Six Sigma DMAIC improvement process which includes defining opportunities, measuring performance, analyzing opportunities, improving performance, and controlling performance. It lists the main activities and key deliverables for each phase such as developing a team charter, process maps, measurement plans, identifying and validating root causes, generating and selecting solutions, and implementing and controlling solutions.
This document discusses the importance of daily work management. It states that without proper daily management, things will deteriorate over time. It outlines three levels of workers - level 1 focuses on retention and maintenance, level 2 on continuous improvement, and level 3 on breakthroughs. The document then discusses concepts like total quality management, 5S, standardization, exactness, simplification, and visual management that are important aspects of daily work management. It emphasizes the need for 100% employee involvement and elimination of variances to achieve continual improvement.
The document discusses process mapping and its benefits. Process mapping identifies all process steps, inputs, outputs and process parameters. It is used to identify possible "hidden factories" or sources of variation. Process mapping classifies inputs as controllable, noise or standard operating procedures. It helps scope improvement projects and document the current process.
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In Lean conversations, we often hear “it’s 10% tools and 90% people,” “we need to change the culture,” and “they just don’t get it.” While each of these statements may be true, they all reflect that something is missing in our problem-solving and transformation attempts—and that missing element is helping people change their behaviors. In reality if we don’t change the way the organization thinks and behaves, on a day-to-day basis, we won’t significantly impact performance levels.
This workshop includes both theory and practical application around the behaviors of excellence: organizational clarity, focus, discipline, and widespread employee engagement. Activities include class discussions and four major activities representing each of the dimensions.
The clarity activity centers on the words we use and how ambiguity and "softened" language hinders performance. The focus activity is a timed simulation that demonstrates how working on fewer projects at a time increases the total number of projects completed in a comparable given time period. Participants learn metrics-based process mapping, a highly disciplined process for standardizing work. In the final activity, participants practice techniques that lead to engagement and disengagement.
A system of Daily Management (based on the work of Luftig & Warren International) that enables management of the day-to-day operation of departments or cells at the lowest possible level by the process owner. It provides the means to improve performance on an ongoing basis and lock in the hard won gains.
Metrics-Based Process Mapping: Part 1 of 3TKMG, Inc.
Recorded webinar:
Part 2 -
Part 3 - (Excel tool product demo)
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Metrics-Based Process Mapping (MBPM) is a methodology that was developed to support the adoption of lean practices in office, service, and knowledge work environments.
Designed and developed by Karen Martin & Mike Osterling, this technique integrates the functional orientation of conventional swim-lane process maps with the time and quality metrics used in value stream mapping.
Learn how to create a metrics-based process map to identify and eliminate waste in an office/service process. Part 1 of 3.
Masaaki Imai developed Kaizen, which are small incremental changes made to continuously improve productivity and minimize waste. The main principles of Kaizen are to consider the process and results, look at the entire job process to find the best way to get the job done, and make improvements without blame. Kaizen is widely applicable, results-oriented, a learning experience, and team-based. The phases of Kaizen are to select an event, plan the event, implement it, and follow up.
The document discusses various business process improvement (BPI) tools and techniques that can be used to analyze, measure, and enhance business processes. It describes tools like process modeling, check sheets, surveys, interviews, brainstorming, and the nominal group technique. Process improvement aims to reduce costs, improve efficiency, enhance quality, and reduce cycle times through methods for analyzing "as-is" processes, defining opportunities, and designing improved "to-be" processes.
These slides are from the Metrics-Based Process Mapping webinar delivered 09-29-2021.
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This document discusses the cost of poor quality (COPQ) and how measuring quality costs can help businesses. It defines COPQ and outlines the different types of quality costs including prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and external failure costs. Measuring COPQ exposes hidden costs and provides a tool to prioritize issues, measure improvements, and maximize profits by reducing waste. The benefits of using quality cost metrics include aligning quality goals, prioritizing problems, and incentivizing doing tasks right the first time.
This document provides information on value stream mapping (VSM), including:
1. VSM is a visual tool that maps the flow of materials and information needed to bring a product to a customer. It identifies value-added and non-value added activities to improve process flow and eliminate waste.
2. There are three main types of value streams: raw material to finished product, concept to launch, and order to cash.
3. A current state map visually depicts the actual state of the current process flow, including metrics like cycle times and changeover times.
4. A future state map is then created to design an improved process flow based on eliminating waste and improving flow, with goals and an
Lean Leadership: Helping Leaders Understand Their Role In The Improvement Pro...TKMG, Inc.
This document provides an overview of a webinar on helping leadership understand their role in the Lean improvement process. It discusses how improvement professionals often face frustration from a lack of leadership support, while leaders face frustration not knowing how to best provide assistance. The webinar aims to educate leaders on key Lean concepts and their vital role in enabling improvements. This includes setting an improvement strategy, coaching project teams, authorizing frontline changes, and modeling Lean behaviors. It also addresses managing expectations around the timeline and disruptive nature of transformation, emphasizing the need for long-term commitment.
The document summarizes a webinar on metrics-based process mapping. It discusses key differences between value stream maps and metrics-based process maps, important time and quality metrics, and how to create current and future state maps. Participants will learn how to use metrics-based process maps as improvement and monitoring tools. The webinar reviews mapping techniques like documenting the current state, identifying value-adding activities, and designing an improved future state with projected metrics.
The New Face of Quality in Office and Service EnvironmentsTKMG, Inc.
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To learn about Karen's books and products, please visit:
This is a presentation I gave at the American Society for Quality World Conference on Quality and Improvement in St. Louis, MO in May 2010.
Process Management: Why So Few Companies Get It RightTKMG, Inc.
This document discusses process management and why many companies struggle with it. It provides data showing that most companies document few of their processes, and of those documented processes, most are not current. Additionally, few processes have clearly defined metrics or an identified owner. The document advocates for three criteria of proper process management: 1) defined and documented processes, 2) 2-5 relevant metrics that are visually displayed, consistently measured and improved, and 3) sole ownership and oversight of each process. It discusses how having process owners, rather than functional managers, leads to better process performance and continuous improvement.
Value Stream Mapping in Non-Manufacturing EnvironmentsTKMG, Inc.
This document summarizes a webinar on applying value stream mapping in non-manufacturing environments. The webinar covered what value stream mapping is, how to create current and future state maps, and how to develop an implementation plan from the future state map. Key components of value stream maps like process time, lead time, quality metrics, and productivity gains were also explained. The webinar aimed to teach participants how to map office and service processes and identify opportunities to reduce waste and improve flow.
Recorded webinar:
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Metrics-Based Process Mapping is a highly effective tool for improving office, service, and knowledge work processes.
Benefiting from a Quality Problem Management ProgramHDI Orange County
This document discusses the benefits of an effective problem management program. It outlines how such a program can help eliminate recurring issues, improve employee productivity and reduce support costs. It emphasizes that effective problem management requires integrating tools, processes and personnel to generate measurable results through data analysis, trend reporting and follow-up actions.
Metrics-Based Process Mapping: Part 2 of 3TKMG, Inc.
Recorded webinar:
Part 1 -
Part 3 - (Excel tool product demo)
To purchase the book:
Metrics-Based Process Mapping (MBPM) is a methodology that was developed to support the adoption of lean practices in office, service, and knowledge work environments.
Designed and developed by Karen Martin & Mike Osterling, this technique integrates the functional orientation of conventional swim-lane process maps with the time and quality metrics used in value stream mapping.
Recorded webinar:
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Effective problem solving is not an innate skill that most people are born with.
Even for those few few lucky ones who are born with natural problem-solving talent, it is often drummed out of them by parents, teachers, and bosses. And those whose academic preparation would lead you to believe that they're highly skilled in this area (such as engineers and physicians) regularly fall prey to sloppy problem solving.
The good news is that effective problem solving is a skill that can be developed. Everyone can learn to solve problems effectively given the will and ample practice with a skilled coach/teacher.
This webinar focuses on the P (plan) phase of the PDSA/PDCA cycle (plan-do-study-adjust), which is the most difficult phase of scientific problem solving for people to master. Topics include:
• Setting a target condition
• Problem clarification
• Scoping and qualifying the problem
• Root cause analysis
Watch this lively discussion and learn the important first steps for closing the gap between where you are and where you'd like or need to be.
As preparation for the webinar, you may want to read the Discipline chapter in Karen's Shingo Award-winning book, The Outstanding Organization.
The document discusses the concept of Kaizen, or continuous improvement, and how it can be applied to operations teams to achieve higher quality and eliminate waste. It provides background on the origins and principles of Kaizen in Japanese manufacturing. Key aspects include focusing on process improvement over results alone, taking a systemic view, and avoiding blame. Methods like PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) and focusing on small, incremental changes are emphasized. The document argues that cross-training, reducing redundancies, and viewing problems as opportunities for improvement have helped the operations team discussed provide better service through Kaizen.
These are the slides for the webinar
Since releasing her book, Clarity First, Karen has continued to analyze, experiment, and reflect on the strong connection between operating with clarity and successfully deploying Lean management—or any improvement-centric management philosophy. She’s learned that addressing the need for clarity head-on is an accelerant.
In this webinar, Karen discusses:
• The personal and organizational benefits of operating with clarity
• The three ways people approach clarity
• How to use Lean Management practices—the 5 P’s—to cultivate clarity
With a strong appetite for and courage to operate with clarity, there's no limit to individual and organizational performance!
To supplement the webinar, visit -- take our free quiz to assess how you and your organization currently rate, download the first chapter of the book or the CLEAR Problem Solving card mentioned in the webinar, and more.
If you’re interested in learning more about the clarity practices Karen discussed in the webinar, check out, our online learning arm.
These are the slides for the webinar
Since releasing her book, Clarity First, Karen has continued to analyze, experiment, and reflect on the strong connection between operating with clarity and successfully deploying Lean management—or any improvement-centric management philosophy. She’s learned that addressing the need for clarity head-on is an accelerant.
In this webinar, Karen discusses:
• The personal and organizational benefits of operating with clarity
• The three ways people approach clarity
• How to use Lean Management practices—the 5 P’s—to cultivate clarity
With a strong appetite for and courage to operate with clarity, there's no limit to individual and organizational performance!
To supplement the webinar, visit -- take our free quiz to assess how you and your organization currently rate, download the first chapter of the book, and more.
If you’re interested in learning more about the clarity practices Karen discussed in the webinar, check out, our online learning arm.
These are the questions I suggest people use to solve problems more effectively. I've mapped it here to PDSA, but it can also be mapping to DMAIC, 8D, OODA, etc.
For more information, see Karen's latest book, Clarity First, pp 168-209.
Clarity First: What it is. Why you need it. How to get it.TKMG, Inc.
These are the slides for the webinar
A lack of clarity costs companies, educational institutions, government agencies, and nonprofits billions of dollars a year. Beyond the red ink, this lack of clarity also inserts unnecessary risk, demotivates team members, and causes customers to question whether the organization can deliver value.
On a personal front, a lack of clarity creates interpersonal tension and hurts the mission of otherwise well-meaning leaders.
In this webinar, Karen shares what clarity is and how a lack of clarity leads to poor performance--both organizationally and personally--and eroding trust. She shares powerful ways to operate with greater clarity to unleash the potential of people and organizations alike.
To supplement the webinar, consider taking our free quiz to assess how you and your organization currently rate ( or purchase the book (
This document provides an overview and summary of key concepts from the book "Clarity First" about gaining clarity. It discusses what clarity is, why it is needed, and how to achieve it. Specific techniques presented for improving clarity include using the "Five P's" of purpose, priorities, process, performance and problem solving. The document also discusses different "types" of clarity in terms of being a clarity pursuer, avoider or blind. It provides tips for writing clear emails and asking clarifying questions. Overall, the document promotes the idea that clarity allows for faster and easier task completion, builds confidence and trust, and emphasizes mindfulness and metacognition as keys to operating with clarity.
Of all the organizational capabilities to be developed, problem solving takes the top spot. Yet all too often organizations lack a clear and effective method for solving problems that the entire workforce is proficient in.
These are the slides for the webinar of the same name, available at
In the webinar--the 4th of 5 webinars based on content from Karen’s latest book, Clarity First--you learn a question-based problem solving method (CLEAR) that helps people at all levels of the organization become stronger problem solvers. You'll also learn the proper way to build these capabilities at all levels of your organization.
If you haven't taken it already, we recommend you take the Clarity First Quiz to see how you and your organization rate ( You may also be interested in purchasing the book to obtain a deeper understanding that can lead to deeper understanding -
This document provides information about organizational clarity and strategy deployment. It includes links and summaries of books and resources on clarity, as well as descriptions of the five Ps (purpose, priorities, process, performance, problem solving). There are also explanations and examples of strategy deployment phases and tools, including developing a strategy deployment plan, gaining consensus through catchball, and key features like alignment, focus, consensus, execution, visual management and results.
Clarity First: Overview (1 of 5 webinars)TKMG, Inc.
A lack of clarity costs companies, educational institutions, government agencies, and nonprofits billions of dollars a year. Beyond the red ink, this lack of clarity also inserts unnecessary risk, creates demotivating workplaces, and causes customers to question whether the organization can deliver value.
These are the slides for the first of 5 webinars based on the content in Karen’s latest book, Clarity First. In this webinar, Karen shares what clarity is and why people and organizations need it. She also shows how pursuing clarity is at the core of Lean management systems, and is both the greatest reason for resistance and the most powerful way to unleash the potential of people and organizations alike.
To purchase Clarity First, visit You may also want to take The Clarity Quiz to learn the degree to which you and your organization operate with clarity:
The scam began when I was approached by an individual named Oliver, claiming to work for a legitimate company based in France. She offered investment opportunities with promises of high returns, and despite my initial skepticism, Oliver’s professional demeanor and convincing pitch led me to invest a small amount. In the beginning, I was able to withdraw small sums of $500, which built my trust in the company. Encouraged by this, I decided to invest larger amounts and eventually ended up putting in $70,000.Things seemed fine until I tried to withdraw a larger sum. At that point, Oliver and her team told me I needed to deposit an additional $6,000 to complete the transaction. They assured me this was necessary to finalize the process. Trusting them, I complied, but when I attempted to withdraw my supposed profit of $153,000, my account was suddenly blocked. It was then that I realized I had been scammed.I provided evidence to the company, including wire transfer details and recorded conversations with the scammer, but they refused to release my funds. As communication ceased altogether, I was left devastated, feeling helpless and unable to recover my hard-earned money. Desperate, I reached out to both the FBI and Interpol. While they were supportive, they warned me about the complexities of investigating international financial crimes.In my search for a solution, I was referred to Salvage Asset Recovery, a team specializing in tracking and recovering stolen funds. Initially skeptical, I decided to give them a chance after seeing positive reviews. To my relief, they proved to be a beacon of hope. Their team was professional, transparent, and thorough, keeping me updated at every step. Thanks to their expertise, they successfully recovered the entire $76,000 I had lost.I’m sharing my story to warn others about the dangers of investment scams and stress the importance of doing thorough research before trusting anyone with your money. If you find yourself in a similar situation, recovery is possible with the right help. In my case, Salvage Asset Recovery made that recovery a reality, and I’m incredibly grateful for their support. Consult Salvage Asset Recovery via below contact details.
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Luke’s story first caught my attention on TikTok. He was sharing snippets of his life, talking about his experiences in the real estate world and the lucrative opportunities he was involved in. His videos were well-produced, and he spoke with such confidence and authority that I couldn’t help but believe in his expertise. His pitch about a “real estate venture” based in Chicago seemed promising, and he painted a picture of a solid, trustworthy investment with high returns. Luke’s social media presence made him appear successful, reliable, and knowledgeable, which is why I didn’t hesitate when he presented the opportunity to invest. I was initially drawn to the idea of getting involved in real estate, especially when it seemed like Luke had the connections and insights to make it work. After several discussions with him, I felt comfortable and trusting enough to deposit $67,000 into the venture. Luke assured me that this would be a smart move, and that I would see a good return on my investment. I was excited about the prospects and looked forward to the profits I was promised. But as time went on, I became increasingly concerned. Despite my efforts to contact Luke and inquire about the status of my investment, I received no response. It wasn’t until I tried to withdraw my profits that I realized the shocking truth: the entire project was a scam. All my attempts to retrieve the money were in vain, and it became clear that I had been deceived. I felt devastated and hopeless, especially since I had put my trust in Luke and his promises. It was a hard lesson to learn, but at that point, I knew I needed help to recover what I had lost. That's when I was referred to SPARTAN TECH GROUP RETRIEVAL. Initially, I was skeptical, unsure if anyone could help me recover such a large sum of money after being scammed. However, their team handled my case with incredible precision and professionalism. They took the time to understand the details of the situation and worked tirelessly to track down the funds. To my amazement, SPARTAN TECH GROUP RETRIEVAL was able to recover every single cent I had lost. I can’t stress enough how important it is to thoroughly research any investment before committing to it. Luke’s TikTok videos made him seem trustworthy, but it’s vital to be cautious and verify the legitimacy of any opportunity, especially in the world of online investments. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, know that SPARTAN TECH GROUP RETRIEVAL is a reliable resource that can help you recover from fraud and regain control of your financial future.
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Exploring the Impact of Scrap Recycling on Carbon Emissions.docxscrapdealers123
Climate change is no longer a distant threat facing mankind; it is a challenge that besets mankind today. It is one of the causes whereby the Carbon Emissions are sucking the breath out of our world and at the same time contributing heavily to global warming. There exists a ray of hope within this misery: Scrap Recycling, a blessed alternative that has notably shifted the focus on reducing carbon footprints as well as on resource conservation. Let me take you through how scrap recycling works and why it talked about so much in the first place.
Eric Hannelius is a seasoned Fintech veteran with over two decades of experience. As the Founder and CEO of Vision Payment Solutions Inc., he built the company into a global payments leader before engineering its sale to EVO Payments International.
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